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Josephine Quotes

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Madame Tallien shared honors with Josephine Beauharnais in being mistress to Barras, an ex-nobleman and ex-terrorist whose appetite for beautiful women, beautiful young men, and money was the only wholesome trait in his character.  (Josephine Quotes) You underestimate us, Josephine, Taylor smiledA few guards, chains, and a locked door can’t keep a family apart.  (Josephine Quotes) Designing the prints was very much like writing a story with characters, [inspired by] some of my my favorite icons of the time: Eva Perón and Josephine Baker.  (Josephine Quotes) I was the only child born to Josephine Perry that survived. Mama had six other children before me, and all had passed very quickly and very young, all succumbing to a combination of illness and disease and the lack of strength to fight off both.  (Josephine Quotes)