Journal Quotes

Text Quotes
I always have my journal with me. It was handmade by a guy at the San Telmo market in Buenos Aires. If you go there he can make you one. It’s leather and bronze and I’m able to replace the paper when it runs out. It has a lion on the cover that I say is there to protect my thoughts. (Journal Quotes)
Often as a poet I find that I am somewhat outside an experience I want to hold onto, consciously taking mental notes or writing them down in my journal - for fear that I will forget. It’s not unlike being on a trip and taking pictures, your face behind a camera the whole time - the entire experience mediated by a lens. (Journal Quotes)
Young children, who for whatever reason are deprived of the continuous care and attention of a mother or a substitute-mother, are not only temporarily disturbed by such deprivation, but may in some cases suffer long-term effects which persistBowlby, J., Ainsworth, M., Boston, M., and Rosenbluth, D. (1956). The effects of mother-child separation: A follow-up study. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 29, 211-249. (Journal Quotes)
I pretty much drink a cup of coffee, write in my journal for a while, and then sit at a computer in my office and torture the keys. My one saving grace as a writer is that, if I’m having trouble with the novel I’m writing, I write something else, a poem or a short story. I try to avoid writer’s block by always writing something. (Journal Quotes)
I remember telling my creative writing teacher that you never want to have a journal, because if you lose it, then someone’s going to know all your secrets. And then she stopped using a journal, but I always write everything down... Anytime I travel, I try and fill up notepads. (Journal Quotes)
I read letters and journal entries by [Georgia] O’Keeffe (which were infinitely more useful than any critical analysis of her work). (Journal Quotes)
The starting point of discovering who you are, your gifts, your talents, your dreams, is being comfortable with yourself. Spend time alone. Write in a journal. Take long walks in the woods. (Journal Quotes)
Your goals and dreams must be written in journal or notebook. This will ignites a fire, divine power and divine strength within your soul. You will begin to reach out for your goals and dreams. (Journal Quotes)
My body is a journal in a way. It’s like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. (Journal Quotes)
If you’re serious about becoming a wealthy, powerful, sophisticated, healthy, influential, cultured and unique individual, keep a journal. Don’t trust your memory. When you listen to something valuable, write it down. When you come across something important, write it down. (Journal Quotes)
I didn’t have my own journals, but my mother kept a journal while I was in the hospital, and my father wrote newsletters to keep friends and family updated on my progress. (Journal Quotes)
When I write notes in my journal, I’m just trying to scribble down as much as possible. Later on, I decide whether to follow some of those first impressions or whether to abandon them. (Journal Quotes)
The first set of lyrics for the first songs I ever wrote, which are the ones on ‘Pretty Hate Machine,’ came from private journal entries that I realized I was writing in lyric form. (Journal Quotes)
Writing in a journal each day, with a structured, strategic process allows you to direct your focus to what you did accomplish, what you’re grateful for, and what you’re committed to doing better tomorrow. Thus, you more deeply enjoy your journey each day, feel good about any forward progress you made, and use a heightened level of clarity to accelerate your results. (Journal Quotes)
I still can’t manage to keep a journal, and people have been telling me to since the fourth grade. (Journal Quotes)
I guess whatever maturity is there may be there because I’ve been keeping a journal forever. In high school my friends would make fun of me - you’re doing your man diary again. So I was always trying to translate experience into words. (Journal Quotes)
In general, science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature, Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda. (Journal Quotes)
NASA was going to pick a public school teacher to go into space, observe and make a journal about the space flight, and I am a teacher who always dreamed of going up into space. (Journal Quotes)
Be a collector of good ideas. Keep a journal. If you hear a good idea, capture it, write it down. Don’t trust your memory. (Journal Quotes)
I’ve always written. There’s a journal which I kept from about 9 years old. The man who gave it to me lived across the street from the store and kept it when my grandmother’s papers were destroyed. I’d written some essays. I loved poetry, still do. But I really, really loved it then. (Journal Quotes)
I’d rather have half of my idea change the world than my whole idea be a few papers in a journal. (Journal Quotes)
Historians and scholars have access to every issue of every newspaper and journal written during the civil rights struggle of the 1960s but can access only a comparative handful of papers covering the election of Barack Obama. (Journal Quotes)