Journalism Quotes

Text Quotes
I’ve always taken risks and bought property well. As journalism wasn’t particularly well paid, buying homes and selling them for profit improved my income (Journalism Quotes)
Which is one of the dangers of immersion journalism: you can find yourself getting sucked into battles you have nothing to do with, in this case an ongoing battle between Muslims (Journalism Quotes)
The fun thing about journalism is if you go do a story about something, you can now ask three intelligent questions about it. Or say three intelligent things. And that gets people talking (Journalism Quotes)
Some blogs have become the best check on monopoly mainstream journalism, and they provide a surprisingly frequent source of initiative reporting (Journalism Quotes)
I was sports editor for my high school newspaper, but I think I shied away from journalism (Journalism Quotes)
Not everyone realises that to write a really good piece of journalism is at least as demanding intellectually as the achievement of any scholar (Journalism Quotes)
I believe journalism is coming to be regarded as quite a respectable occupation for gentlemen nowadays (Journalism Quotes)
In the United Kingdom at various stages, journalism has been the profession of gentlemen amateurs. And some of them even pride themselves on being amateurs. Their quality is not comparable with the quality of intelligence services even if most of them harbor a remarkable degree of corruption and incompetence (Journalism Quotes)
Journalism should be more like science. As far as possible, facts should be verifiable. If journalists want long-term credibility for their profession, they have to go in that direction. Have more respect for readers (Journalism Quotes)
Al Gore has found a new job. He is going to teach journalism at Columbia University, which is ironic isn’t it? The guy who did all the coke winds up going to the White House, the guy who didn’t do coke goes to Columbia (Journalism Quotes)
While the web is very much the first draft of history, a rough-cut, it still has to be good journalism, well-sourced, reliable. Clearly, the printed form is going to have more effort put into it, going to be more reflective and relevant (Journalism Quotes)
The journalists in America are no longer covering critical stories. Investigative journalism is gone. Foreign-news coverage is gone. The press is owned by five giant corporations (Journalism Quotes)
The whole point to American journalism is what ought to be true is true. Since I ought to be arrogant, impressed with my social position, overwhelmed by my beauty, therefore I am (Journalism Quotes)
Long before the arrival of reality TV - before speed cameras, before recording angels on buses and lampposts - I felt I was living in a country that already knew how to watch itself. It was journalism that held the responsibility for seeing who we were and noticing what we did (Journalism Quotes)
I went to Indiana University for college for a couple of years where I double majored in dance and journalism, and after my sophomore year there, I went to the San Francisco Ballet school for the summer, but then they offered me a scholarship to stay for the year. That’s where I danced after the year they offered me a contract with the company (Journalism Quotes)
The sheer novelty and glamor of the Western diet, with its seventeen thousand new food products every year and the marketing power - thirty-two billion dollars a year - used to sell us those products, has overwhelmed the force of tradition and left us where we now find ourselves: relying on science and journalism and government and marketing to help us decide what to eat (Journalism Quotes)
In essence, I see the value of journalism as resting in a twofold mission: informing the public of accurate and vital information, and its unique ability to provide a truly adversarial check on those in power (Journalism Quotes)
Advertising was only meant to be a very small part of my life. I had intended that I would work extensively in journalism for about five or six years and then I’d become a writer. (Journalism Quotes)
I wasn’t the kind of kid like Spielberg or Lucas who knew to go to film school. I didn’t know at 12 what I was going to do; it took me until I was about 23. I studied journalism in college, but after school, I got a job in public television and I never worked as a journalist for one moment. (Journalism Quotes)
Even after working at ‘MarketWatch’ and loving journalism and loving business news, I still wanted to be a lawyer because it was my plan. (Journalism Quotes)
You will always have partial points of view, and you’ll always have the story behind the story that hasn’t come out yet. And any form of journalism you’re involved with is going to be up against a biased viewpoint and partial knowledge. (Journalism Quotes)
One of the great pressures we’re facing in journalism now is it’s a lot cheaper to hire thumb suckers and pundits and have talk shows on the air than actually have bureaus and reporters. (Journalism Quotes)
Journalism, some huge percentage of it, should be devoted to putting pressure on power, on nonsense, on chicanery of all kinds and if that’s going to invite a lawsuit, well, bring it on. (Journalism Quotes)
Journalism makes you think fast. You have to speak to people in all walks of life. Especially local journalism. (Journalism Quotes)
Journalism, for me, has always been a calling. There are things that must be exposed to the light, truths that must be uncovered, stories worth risking your life for. (Journalism Quotes)
In hindsight, Watergate was a curse as well as a blessing for American journalism. The courageous reporting of the ‘Post’ and the ‘New York Times’ - coupled with the favourable Supreme Court rulings on publication of the Pentagon Papers - were landmarks for the interpretation of First Amendment rights and the freedom of the press. (Journalism Quotes)
It would be easy to descend into despair, not only about the state of journalism, but the future of American democracy. But giving up is not an option. There is too much at stake. (Journalism Quotes)
The faculty of attention has utterly vanished from the Anglo-Saxon mind, extinguished at its source by the big bayad?re of journalism, of the newspaper and the picture magazine which keeps screaming, Look at me. Illustrations, loud simplifications... bill poster advertising ? only these stand a chance. (Journalism Quotes)
I love great journalism. I appreciate it. I love a good, you know, I love good news stories. I love great books. I love great articles. I appreciate them so much, and they’ve been part of my education as a woman. (Journalism Quotes)
Probably the biggest influence on my career was the late John Hersey, who, while he was at ‘The New Yorker,’ wrote one of the masterpieces of narrative non-fiction, ‘Hiroshima.’ Hersey was a teacher of mine at Yale, and a friend. He got me to see the possibility of journalism not just as a business but as an art form. (Journalism Quotes)