Journalism Truth Quotes

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The lowest form of popular culture - lack of information, misinformation, disinformation, and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people’s lives - has overrun real journalism. Today, ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage (Journalism Truth Quotes)
There is a huge difference between journalism and advertising. Journalism aspires to truth. Advertising is regulated for truth. I’ll put the accuracy of the average ad in this country up against the average news story any time (Journalism Truth Quotes)
See, I have no journalism in my background, so I wasn’t practised at research or writing non-fiction, nor at handling the truth in a journalistic way. Journalists know when to call a halt and write something, but I kept on looking for answers (Journalism Truth Quotes)
If I’d written all the truth I knew for the past ten years, about 600 people - including me - would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism (Journalism Truth Quotes)
Journalism has changed tremendously because of the democratization of information. Anybody can put something up on the Internet. It’s harder and harder to find what the truth is (Journalism Truth Quotes)
A lot of journalism wants to have what they call objectivity without them having a commitment to pursuing the truth, but that doesn’t work. Objectivity requires belief in and a commitment toward pursuing the truth - having an object outside of our personal point of view (Journalism Truth Quotes)
The larger truth, the universal truth that you can give in a novel, is far greater than what you can give through journalism. (Journalism Truth Quotes)
When journalism is treated as just another widget in a commercial enterprise, the focus isn’t on truth, verification or public good, but productivity and output. (Journalism Truth Quotes)
When journalism is silenced, literature must speak. Because while journalism speaks with facts, literature speaks with truth (Journalism Truth Quotes)