Joy Quotes

Text Quotes
The pleasure and joy of man lies in treading down the rebel and conquering the enemy, in tearing him up by the root, in taking from him all that he has (Joy Quotes)
The end for which we are created invites us to walk a road that is surely sown with a lot of thorns, but it is not sad; through even the sorrow, it is illuminated by joy (Joy Quotes)
Think of hope the minute you feel miserable with your life. Take up the habit of finding joy in the smallest of things in life. The misery you feel now will be a strong foundation for your future and you will become someone with an invaluable life. Also, hold the hand of the person next to you. Don’t think that you’re the only one living in this world. Don’t grow your sorrow on your own and ask for help from the person next to you (Joy Quotes)
The heart’s seasons seldom coincide with the calendar. Who among us has not been made desolate beyond all words upon some golden day when the little creatures of the air and meadow were life incarnate, from sheer joy of living? Who among us has not come home, singing, when the streets were almost impassable with snow, or met a friend with a happy, smiling face, in the midst of a pouring rain? (Joy Quotes)
The fiery force is nothing more than the life force as we know it. It is the flame of desire and love, of sex and beauty, of pleasure and joy as we consume and are consumed, as we burn with pleasure and burn out in time (Joy Quotes)
Sex for pleasure, for fun, or even for building relationships is completely absent from our national conversation. Yet taking the joy out of sexuality is a surefire way to ensure not that young women won’t have sex, but rather that they’ll have it without pleasure (Joy Quotes)
The word suffering is full and whole and perfect as a pierced heart, sweet, rushing and tender... Suffering is the joy of someone about to be martyred, illumination of something given up as an offer (Joy Quotes)
Joy passed, but happiness never completely disappeared; a touch of it would always remain to remind one it had been there. It was happiness that made one smile, then (Joy Quotes)
The best definition I have ever heard of a vocation is that it’s the place where your great joy meets the world’s great need. We need all of you to find your vocation. To develop your joys, your passions, and to match them to the world’s great needs (Joy Quotes)
We live in a world where joy and empathy and pleasure are all around us, there for the noticing (Joy Quotes)
The cult of productivity has its place, but worshipping at its altar daily robs us of the very capacity for joy and wonder that makes life worth living (Joy Quotes)
Riding is a complicated joy. You learn something each time. It is never quite the same, and you never know it all (Joy Quotes)
When we mourn those who die young – those who have been robbed of time – we weep for lost joys. We weep for opportunities and pleasure we ourselves have never known. We feel sure that somehow that young body would have known the yearning delight for which we searched in vain all our lives. We believe that the untried soul, trapped in its young prison, might have flown free and known the joy that we still seek (Joy Quotes)
Existence is this, I thought, a start of joy, a stab of pain, an intense pleasure, veins that pulse under the skin, there is no other truth to tell (Joy Quotes)
The purpose of dharma is to help your mind to expand, to grow, to clarify. It should uphold us and create an inner sense of peace, joy, and clarity (Joy Quotes)
True freedom, which is full joy, is the complete recognition of law and adaptation to it. Bondage comes from ignorance of law or opposition to it (Joy Quotes)
Fostering your sense of creativity can give you feelings of freedom, delight and passion. It can help you see your life in a new light and help you to tackle situations that you thought were hopeless. When you express yourself through creative action you find gifts such as: happiness, self worth, healing, and inner joy (Joy Quotes)
It’s funny how the world works, how we win and lose, how we can never really know what’s ahead though we never stop planning. How we survive and move on. There’s a sadness that comes with survival, but also more joy to be had (Joy Quotes)
No worldly pursuit compares to the joy of experiencing the change of one soul from death to life (Joy Quotes)
Creators understand that their emotions are not necessarily a sign of the circumstances. They understand that in desperate circumstances they may experience joy, and in jubilant circumstances they may feel regret. They know that any emotion will change. But because emotions are not the centerpiece of their lives, they do not pander to them. They create what they create, not in reaction to their emotions but independent of them. On days filled with the depths of despair, they can create. On days filled with the heights of joy, they can create (Joy Quotes)
Joy mingled with sadness, even with grief, is the deepest human joy. It winds itself about the soul with indescribable sweetness, with a dim but unerring sense for what will some day be born of it (Joy Quotes)
Happiness is so nonsynonymous with joy or pleasure that it is not infrequently sought and felt in grief and deprivation (Joy Quotes)
There are things you can describe in life and things you just can’t. There are dangers and adventures, miseries and fear that you can tell about… well, then there’s hope and joy and love – and those are beyond the power of words to describe (Joy Quotes)
I know, indeed, of nothing more subtly satisfying and cheering than a knowledge of the real good will and appreciation of others. Such happiness does not come with money, nor does it flow from fine physical state. It cannot be brought. But it is the keenest joy, after all; and the toiler’s truest and best reward (Joy Quotes)
Our home joys are the most delightful earth affords, and the joy of parents in their children is the most holy joy of humanity (Joy Quotes)
As always, a million heartfelt thanks for bringing such joy into this chick’s life (Joy Quotes)
The fruit of humanity is devotion to one’s parents. The fruit of righteousness is to respect one’s elders. The fruit of wisdom is to understand these two and not to betray them. The fruit of propriety is to regulate and polish them. The fruit of music is the joy that comes from rejoicing in them. When one rejoices in them, they grow. When they grow, how can they be stopped? And when they cannot be stopped, unconsciously one’s feet begin to dance and one’s arms begin to wave (Joy Quotes)
Only when we try to understand one another’s suffering can we begin to bring each other joy (Joy Quotes)
Life is not being sure what will come next or how it will come. We guess at everything we do. We take leap after leap in the dark and that’s the joy of living and the beauty of faith. When we grow tired, when we sit still, that’s when we begin to die... One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time (Joy Quotes)
What do I think happens when we die? I think we enter into another stage of existence or another state of consciousness that is so extraordinarily different from the reality we have here in the physical world that the language we have is not yet adequate to describe this other state of existence or consciousness. Based on what I have heard from thousands of people, we enter into a realm of joy, light, peace, and love in which we discover that the process of knowledge does not stop when we die. Instead, the process of learning and development goes on for eternity (Joy Quotes)