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Judge Quotes

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I feel like when people judge me they’re not judging me, because they don’t know who I am  (Judge Quotes) People are always going to identify with what it’s like living in society and have people judge you in certain ways, and how you can be strong enough to be your own person and all those good things  (Judge Quotes) I think it’s very important for people to not judge the people you’re playing. You have to find a way to love them because their story is theirs. I just don’t think there would be any use in that  (Judge Quotes) I have simply said that there’s just a side of me that could not judge anybody singing. It’s not who I am. I don’t want to be that person  (Judge Quotes) Advance yourself by advancing others. Do not judge others. Be of service to them, but realize that you are not necessarily the instrument of perfecting and immortalizing others  (Judge Quotes) You can judge a civilization by its level of agreement with the green world. When people respect nature, it’s a sign of a healthy situation. When they denigrate nature, it’s a sign of an unhealthy civilization that will soon perish  (Judge Quotes) I perceive and relate to the world through where I grew up; that’s part of me. It’s what I judge everything else against  (Judge Quotes) It’s very important in a leadership role not to place your ego at the foreground and not to judge everything in relationship to how your ego is fed  (Judge Quotes) I think it just came with me evolving as a person and me understanding that it’s not right to judge or to say anything derogatory about other people, especially if I don’t know them  (Judge Quotes) We justify ourselves when we should judge ourselves. If we learned humility, it might spare us the humiliation  (Judge Quotes) When you’re in your early 20s, you go ahead and do everything. And it’s very hard to judge yourself  (Judge Quotes) I’ve been asked a lot lately if tennis is clean or not. I don’t know any more how you judge whether a sport is clean. If one in 100 players is doping, in my eyes that isn’t a clean sport  (Judge Quotes) When people know you’ve been a soldier, they judge you: you are a thief, a lost boy  (Judge Quotes) The verdict is still out on my life, the judge having not yet instructed the jury, both of whom are me  (Judge Quotes) Let us not judge others, because we simply don’t know that had we lived their life, we might be exactly the same  (Judge Quotes) Jesus will judge us not only for what we did, but also for what we could have done and didn’t  (Judge Quotes) We may fairly judge of the commercial prosperity of a country from the amount of sulphuric acid it consumes  (Judge Quotes) I think that it’s important for judges to understand that if a woman is out there trying to raise a family, trying to support her family, and is being treated unfairly, then the court has to stand up, if nobody else will. And that’s the kind of judge that I want  (Judge Quotes) If it be an evil to judge rashly or untruly any single man, how much a greater sin it is to condemn a whole people  (Judge Quotes) We are fonder of visiting our friends in health than in sickness. We judge less favorably of their characters when any misfortune happens to them; and a lucky hit, either in business or reputation, improves even their personal appearance in our eyes  (Judge Quotes) Surely when a man is painting a picture he ought not refuse to hear any man’s opinion... Since men are able to form a true judgement as to the works of nature, how much more does it behoove us to admit that they are able to judge our faults  (Judge Quotes) Poetry is superior to painting in the presentation of words, and painting is superior to poetry in the presentation of facts. For this reason I judge painting to be superior to poetry  (Judge Quotes) It is difficult to judge one’s contemporaries; perhaps it is impossible to understand them  (Judge Quotes) There is no other way to judge the work of a mind except through its words  (Judge Quotes) History and the generations to come will judge our leaders by the decisions they make in the coming weeks  (Judge Quotes) In our democratic culture people often think it is threatening to judge another person’s taste. Some are even offended by the suggestion that there is a difference between good and bad taste, or that it matters what you look at or read or listen to  (Judge Quotes) The canvas is a court where the artist is prosecutor, defendant, jury and judge. Art without a trial disappears at a glance  (Judge Quotes) I cannot judge what motivates people. We are all moved by one of four things or a combination of these four things: money, romance, recognition or survival  (Judge Quotes) This is a very, very conservative judge who in his dissenting opinions is overwhelmingly likely to be more conservative than the majority  (Judge Quotes) In war, the general alone can judge of certain arrangements. It depends on him alone to conquer difficulties by his own superior talents and resolution  (Judge Quotes)
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