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Judge Quotes

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Is it our job to judge? the gendarme, policemen and bureaucrats have been especially prepared by fate for that job. Our job is to write, and only to write  (Judge Quotes) How can we ever judge a human being when he is and he will always be another person  (Judge Quotes) Don’t mind anything anyone tells you about anyone else. Judge everyone and everything for yourself  (Judge Quotes) See the person’s eating and cooking, and then you can judge his or her spirituality  (Judge Quotes) Censors are dead men set up to judge between life and death. For no live, sunny man would be a censor, he’d just laugh  (Judge Quotes) The world, he resumed after a short pause, has no faith in any man’s conversion; it never forgets what he was, it never believes him anything better, it is an inexorable and stupid judge  (Judge Quotes) There are things greater than our wisdom, beyond our justice. The right and wrong of this we cannot say, and it is not for us to judge  (Judge Quotes) I judge a religion as being good or bad based on whether its adherents become better people as a result of practicing it  (Judge Quotes) Created half to rise, and half to fall; great lord of all things, yet a prey to all; sole judge of truth, in endless error hurled; the glory, jest, and riddle of the world!  (Judge Quotes) Conscience is a just but a weak judge. Weakness leaves it powerless to execute its judgment  (Judge Quotes) The pleasure of governing must certainly be exquisite, if we may judge from the vast numbers who are eager to be concerned with it  (Judge Quotes) Men, generally going with the stream, seldom judge for themselves, and purity of taste is almost as rare as talent  (Judge Quotes) A monarch frequently represents his subjects better than an elected assembly; and if he is a good judge of character he is likely to have more capable and loyal advisers  (Judge Quotes) It is often the case that a man who can’t tell a lie thinks that he is the best judge of one  (Judge Quotes) The person is a poor judge who by an action can be disgraced more in failing than they can be honored in succeeding  (Judge Quotes) When a book raises your spirit, and inspires you with noble and courageous feelings, seek for no other rule to judge the event by; it is good and made by a good workman  (Judge Quotes) Man is a gregarious animal and much more so in his mind than in his body. A golden rule; judge men not by their opinions but by what their opinions have made of them  (Judge Quotes) Desires are the pulses of the soul; as physicians judge by the appetite, so may you by desires  (Judge Quotes) I judge the relative strength of a man by how envious they become, of others, who enjoy a measure of success  (Judge Quotes) A judge is not supposed to know anything about the facts of life until they have been presented in evidence and explained to him at least three times  (Judge Quotes) It is quite possible for someone to choose incorrectly or to judge badly; but freedom must allow such mistakes  (Judge Quotes) A man’s penmanship is an unfailing index of his character, moral and mental, and a criterion by which to judge his peculiarities of taste and sentiments  (Judge Quotes) The common people do not judge of vice or virtue by morality or immorality, so much as by the stamp that is set upon it by men of figure  (Judge Quotes) Judge thyself with a judgment of sincerity, and thou wilt judge others with a judgment of charity  (Judge Quotes) Well was it said by a man of sagacity that dancing was a sort of privileged and reputable folly, and that the best way to be convinced of this was to close the ears and judge of it by the eyes alone  (Judge Quotes) When by a pardoned murderer blood is spilt, the judge that pardoned hath the greatest guilt  (Judge Quotes) Though there is nothing more dangerous, yet there is nothing more ordinary, than for weak saints to make their sense and feeling the judge of their condition. We must strive to walk by faith  (Judge Quotes) Properly speaking, we learn from those books only that we cannot judge. The author of a book that I am competent to criticise would have to learn from me  (Judge Quotes) When a man’s life is under debate, the judge can ne’er too long deliberate  (Judge Quotes) It is a golden rule not to judge men by their opinions but rather by what their opinions make of them  (Judge Quotes)
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