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Judge Quotes

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If I was Judge Del Rosario, I would say Ili, of all people, you know better  (Judge Quotes) To judge between good or bad, between successful and unsuccessful would take the eye of a God  (Judge Quotes) One day after laying a wreath at the tomb of Martin Luther King Jr., President Bush appoints a federal judge who has built his career around dismantling Dr. King’s legacy  (Judge Quotes) With one decision, judge Sotomayor changed the entire dispute. Her ruling rescued the 1995 baseball season and forced the parties to resume real negotiations  (Judge Quotes) Don’t judge your success by other peoples opinions. Have self belief  (Judge Quotes) If I haven’t played with a player before and I don’t know anything about them, the more they tell me about themselves, the better I will be able to judge how they think and how they play  (Judge Quotes) We have only two sources of information about the character of the people around us: we judge them by what they do and by what they say (particularly the first)  (Judge Quotes) As I see it, my job as a writer isn’t to judge, but to take a reader as far inside as I can and let them dwell there  (Judge Quotes) My interest is always to get as deeply as I can into the minds and spirits of the characters and let the readers empathize or judge as they will  (Judge Quotes) My credibility is zero. My wife claims she can go before any judge at any time and have me committed  (Judge Quotes) It’s hard as a person to just put your life out there for the world to judge. That’s what music is and what you’re supposed to do with the art, live and release it to the world  (Judge Quotes) [New York] gives you room to be weird; you can be yourself and you can wear whatever you want. No one is really going to judge you because everyone is doing their own thing  (Judge Quotes) Listen, I would never judge someone who screwed their babysitter for years or knocked up their secretary, so don’t ask me to  (Judge Quotes) Being a running back helped me tremendously. It taught me judgement in the defense and how to judge the football  (Judge Quotes) Obviously, I think being vegan is important. But no one should judge anybody. I’m not a dictator and I don’t expect anyone to be any certain way  (Judge Quotes) I feel like my body doesn’t judge the hours, you know? It doesn’t care if it’s daytime or nighttime  (Judge Quotes) Think of God not as a word, or a stranger, or as someone on high, waiting to judge and punish you. Think of Him as you would want to be thought of if you were God  (Judge Quotes) I truly don’t judge other people’s actions. But I think that factory farming is an abomination  (Judge Quotes) I’m always afraid going into strange places, but I also choose carefully and listen to my instincts. These were men I could trust. I’m a pretty good judge of crazy versus sad. I prefer sad  (Judge Quotes) I don’t judge my characters, and that’s my job not to judge them. It’s my job to treat them with respect and to just look at it from their point of view  (Judge Quotes) People judge you because of your weight and your food issues. It’s very visual  (Judge Quotes) I think the fact that Anna Nicole [Smith] clearly did not have a great relationship with her mother made the judge very reluctant to allow the mother to decide where she gets buried  (Judge Quotes) Maybe you’re not even in a position to really judge how good your kid is at that endeavor  (Judge Quotes) Part of the challenge of being a girl living in the 21st Century, looking back, the danger is to not judge your character by your own standards  (Judge Quotes) We’re constantly taking pictures of ourselves. It’s a bit scary, because images are essentially dead, so we judge beauty on something that isn’t alive  (Judge Quotes) One’s knowledge of karma should not be used to judge others. You should ask yourself: Do I like where I am going, or do I want to change my direction?  (Judge Quotes) I try hard not to judge anyone, and I try to bless everyone who is a part of my life, particularly anyone with whom I am having any problems  (Judge Quotes) Leave all human injustices to the Lord, for God is the Judge, but as to yourself, be diligent in loving everybody with a pure heart  (Judge Quotes) Now, I don’t know how they judge all that, but if anybody in the world deserves to be in the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Ritchie Valens does  (Judge Quotes) No matter what you do people are going to judge you. So honestly you should start learning not to care  (Judge Quotes)
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