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Judge Quotes

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Be a witness not a judge. Focus on yourself, not on others. Listen to your heart, not to the crowd  (Judge Quotes) I can hardly wait to see and meticulously judge you at our high school reunion  (Judge Quotes) Judge less. Love more. If you want inner peace, resist the temptation to gossip about others, or portray them in a poor light  (Judge Quotes) If someone judge you as if they know you, don’t get affected, just think.? Dog, doesn’t bark if he knows the person  (Judge Quotes) Don’t judge people by how they act or look. Judge them on how you think of them and how you see them. Some people may seem way different on how you judged them before  (Judge Quotes) Don’t judge a person before you get to know them, before you miss out on an amazing person  (Judge Quotes) ... he reveals that he has been a poor politician, a bad judge and a malevolent individual  (Judge Quotes) Everyone is fighting their own battle to be free from their past, to live in the present, and create a meaningful future for themselves. Don’t judge, have a heart  (Judge Quotes) Life is full of fake people. Before you judge them, make sure you’re not one of them  (Judge Quotes) Be careful of who you pick as a friend. Most people are pretend to listen, they are only gathering information to judge you with  (Judge Quotes) People tell you to just be yourself and to never change, then they’re the first ones judge to you  (Judge Quotes) Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. You may think you understand, but you don’t  (Judge Quotes) Don’t be too fast to judge someone. You don’t really know that person, and you don’t want to be judge in that way too  (Judge Quotes) People who judge, are the ones who need to take a good hard look at themselves first  (Judge Quotes) When my words collapses, don’t judge me, it doesn’t mean I’m not internally eloquent  (Judge Quotes) If you have time to judge other people you have way too much time on your hands. Get off your behind and do something meaningful  (Judge Quotes) If you’re happy to be seen as only a sexual object, but who am I to judge  (Judge Quotes) It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes. I love myself  (Judge Quotes) Do not judge other people, for you do not know their pain or sorrows. If you cannot speak a kind word, say nothing at all  (Judge Quotes) Why would they have book covers if we aren’t supposed to judge the book by them? It makes no sense  (Judge Quotes) Don’t always judge a person by what they show you. What you’ve seen is oftentimes only what that person has chosen to show you  (Judge Quotes) Do not judge me before you know me, but just to inform you, you won’t like me  (Judge Quotes) Stay positive. Whatever’s happening now is preparing us for a better tomorrow. Never judge the situation, release the outcome!  (Judge Quotes) If you havent learned a damn thing watching people in the past few, you cannot judge your partner on status and looks  (Judge Quotes) Remember only God can judge you forget the haters because somebody loves you  (Judge Quotes) I’d appreciate it if you didn’t judge my dog solely on its utterly revolting behavior  (Judge Quotes) Who am I to judge someone for what their doing with their life and who are you  (Judge Quotes) The truth is. Whatever you do, good or bad, either way people will still judge you  (Judge Quotes) Don’t act, judge, or treat me like you know me better than I know myself  (Judge Quotes) You can hardly judge women’s effect on politics merely from the action of individual women officeholders  (Judge Quotes)
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