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Judge Quotes

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Be the person behind the wheel of your life and let those who judge you become the passengers in your journey  (Judge Quotes) If you can’t accept what you did wrong, don’t judge or criticize people for what they are doing right  (Judge Quotes) How easy it is to judge rightly after one sees what evil comes from judging wrongly  (Judge Quotes) Before you judge someones feelings, think about how you would feel if you were in their position. Then maybe you can see why they feel the way they do  (Judge Quotes) We are like a judge confronted by a defendant who declines to answer, and we must determine the truth from the circumstantial evidence  (Judge Quotes) I think certain people are the way they are for certain reasons that we can’t necessarily judge without knowing  (Judge Quotes) Being misjudged. Unless you know my story, my reasons and where I come from, you have no right to judge me  (Judge Quotes) Don’t always judge a person by what they show you. Remember, what you’ve seen is oftentimes only what that person has chosen to show you  (Judge Quotes) Do hugs, not drugs. Spread love, not legs. Respect, don’t judge. Listen more, talk less. Understand, don’t assume. Forgive, don’t forget  (Judge Quotes) Every single person on the planet has a story. Don’t judge people before you truly know them. The truth might surprise you  (Judge Quotes) Do not judge people by appearance or by their beliefs. Judge people by their character and their moral values  (Judge Quotes) People are sometimes too quick to judge, but slow to correct themselves  (Judge Quotes) Too many people focused on the wrong things. But who am I to judge another?  (Judge Quotes) Love me? Great. Hate me? Even better. Think I’m ugly? Don’t look at me. Don’t know me? Don’t judge me. Think you know me? You have no idea  (Judge Quotes) Remember, we can judge better by the conduct of people towards others than by their manner towards ourselves  (Judge Quotes) Don’t judge me on the way I look, judge me on what you see in my heart  (Judge Quotes) Before u assume, learn the facts, before u judge, understand why, before u hurt someone, feel, and before u leave, commit to staying  (Judge Quotes) I only judge people in one way. I like them or I don’t. But I don’t have preconceived ideas  (Judge Quotes) Listen to positive people and ignore negative ones. People that doubt, judge, and disrespect you are not worth your time and attention  (Judge Quotes) Do not judge failed attempts and mistakes as an indication of your future potential, but as part of the growth process  (Judge Quotes) Who am I to judge someone about anything? We all have skeletons in the closet that we’re not proud of  (Judge Quotes) In life there will always be people out the to judge you and poke fingers at you. Show them that we are all human and that the other three fingers are poking back at them  (Judge Quotes) You just can’t judge someone by what you see, because there’s always much more things you can’t see behind that person  (Judge Quotes) People constantly take it on themselves to judge others when its not necessary. If it’s not your business then don’t talk about it  (Judge Quotes) If people say something about you, judge you. Do not get affected! Remember: Dogs don’t bark if they know the person!  (Judge Quotes) Who am I to judge someone on something I’ve once done? I won’t judge, just simply offer guidance  (Judge Quotes) Who am I to judge and who are you to? Only the man up there can judge me, and only his opinion of me will matter  (Judge Quotes) When you judge me without knowing me, you do not define me, you define yourself  (Judge Quotes) Your skin isn’t paper, don’t cut it. Your face isn’t a mask, don’t cover it. Your size isn’t a book, don’t judge it. Your life isn’t a film, don’t end it. You are beautiful  (Judge Quotes) Never judge someone whom you don’t even fully know. And even if you do know them, be careful of your actions and words  (Judge Quotes)
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