Judgment Quotes

Text Quotes
Words often spoil a moment of judgment or excitement; in all great puzzles and wars and movements, there is a moment to speak and a moment to accept with silent dignity (Judgment Quotes)
What could be the basis of our having more inherent value than animals? Their lack of reason, or autonomy, or intellect? Only if we are willing to make the same judgment in the case of humans who are similarly deficient (Judgment Quotes)
We must admit that history is enjoyable to a large extent because it enables us to pass judgment on the past (Judgment Quotes)
We store in memory only images of value. The value may be lost over the passage of time, but that’s the implacable judgment of feeling (Judgment Quotes)
The people that really pass judgment on you really have nothing to do with what you do, usually (Judgment Quotes)
Occasionally and frequently the exercise of the judgment ought to end in absolute reservation. It may be very distasteful, and great fatigue, to suspend a conclusion; but as we are not infallible, so we ought to be cautious; we shall eventually find our advantage, for the man who rests in his position is not so far from right as he who, proceeding in a wrong direction, is ever increasing his distance (Judgment Quotes)
Be aware of anxiety. Next to sin, thee is nothing that so troubles the mind, stains the heart, distresses the soul, and confuses the judgment (Judgment Quotes)
The new one actually reads, but only to pass judgment. This is the way kids learn today. Someone told them how you feel is more important than what you know, and so they think accusations are ideas. This is political correction run amok (Judgment Quotes)
Each human being, however small or weak, has something to bring to humanity. As we start to really get to know others, as we begin to listen to each other’s stories, things begin to change. We begin the movement from exclusion to inclusion, from fear to trust, from closedness to openness, from judgment and prejudice to forgiveness and understanding. It is a movement of the heart (Judgment Quotes)
In the present moment, you are beyond all definition. This means that you are no longer defined by the pain and limitations of the past. You are no longer defined by your judgments, opinions or beliefs nor are you defined by the judgment, opinions or beliefs of others (Judgment Quotes)
... whoever is guided solely by his own judgment and decision will never climb up to the summit of perfection and will not fail to be the victim of the devil’s ruinous power to delude (Judgment Quotes)
I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there (Judgment Quotes)
Good judgment is what you get from experience, which is what you have immediately after using poor judgement (Judgment Quotes)
True tolerance is not a total lack of judgment. It’s knowing what should be tolerated, and refusing to tolerate that which shouldn’t (Judgment Quotes)
True awakening involves embracing every aspect of yourself with love and acceptance, including everything you have been denying, hiding or trying to fix. To deny these things is a judgment of them and judgment will keep you forever imprisoned within separation (Judgment Quotes)
Every baby moves with more ease and efficiency if allowed to do it at his own time and in his own way, without our trying to teach him. A child who has always been allowed to move freely develops not only an agile body but also good judgment about what he can and cannot do (Judgment Quotes)
Let’s reserve judgment for people who beat their children, sell their daughters into prostitution, or deny women the right to make decisions about their bodies and their lives (Judgment Quotes)
Leibniz endeavored to provide an account of inference and judgment involving the mechanical play of symbols and very little else. The checklists that result are the first of humanity’s intellectual artifacts. They express, they explain, and so they ratify a power of the mind. And, of course, they are artifacts in the process of becoming algorithms (Judgment Quotes)
The way of being with another person which is termed empathic... means temporarily living in their life, moving abut in it delicately without making judgment... to be with another in this way means that for the time being you lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself in order to enter the other’s world without prejudice... a complex, demanding, strong yet subtle and gentle way of being (Judgment Quotes)
To read in the service of any ideology is not, in my judgment, to read at all (Judgment Quotes)
When you’re afraid of someone’s judgment, you can’t connect with them. You’re too preoccupied with the task of impressing them (Judgment Quotes)
The truth is that judgment and fear will never stop, but they don’t actually do anything (Judgment Quotes)
Fear is an insidious and deadly thing. It can warp judgment, freeze reflexes, breed mistakes. Worse, it’s contagious (Judgment Quotes)
Women have traditionally deferred to the judgment of men although often while intimating a sensibility of their own which is at variance with that judgment (Judgment Quotes)
Life has changed. People have changed. They are more forgiving, less inclined to rush to judgment. And I have changed (Judgment Quotes)
Well, to tell you truth, I have learned a long time ago that the trick when doing a debate, any kind of debate, is to just turn off the judgment switch in my head (Judgment Quotes)
The affairs of this world are so shifting and depend on so many accidents, that it is hard to form any judgment concerning the future; nay, we see from experience that the forecasts even of the wise almost always turn out false (Judgment Quotes)
It is well to open one’s mind but only as a preliminary to closing it... for the supreme act of judgment and selection (Judgment Quotes)
Causal analysis provides absolutely no value judgment, and a value judgment is absolutely not a causal explanation (Judgment Quotes)
In order for us to use the very best judgment possible in spending the taxpayer’s money intelligently, we just have to do a certain amount of this research and development work ourselves. We just have to keep our own hands dirty to command the professional respect of the contractor personnel engaged with actual design, shop and testing work (Judgment Quotes)