Judgment Quotes

Text Quotes
Whose leadership, whose judgment, whose values do you want in the White House when that crisis lands like a thud on the Oval Office desk (Judgment Quotes)
You never know when you’re going to be considered un - hip... The people that really pass judgment on you really have nothing to do with what you do, usually (Judgment Quotes)
The fact is, Latinos now own their own lives and I believe they can afford to look back without judgment (Judgment Quotes)
The most tremendous judgment of God in this world is the hardening of the hearts of men (Judgment Quotes)
There are countless artists whose shoes I am not worthy to polish - whose prints would not pay the printer. The question of judgment is a puzzling one (Judgment Quotes)
The jam is moving toward the Capitol where Congress sits in judgment on all the administrative agencies of Government (Judgment Quotes)
In the book of Colossians, it talks about that because of what Christ did, we are pure. We are without judgment on ourselves. And only through him can we do something like this (Judgment Quotes)
Let us consider that swearing is a sin of all others peculiarly clamorous, and provocative of Divine judgment (Judgment Quotes)
Cruel and cold is the judgment of man, Cruel as winter, and cold as the snow; But by-and-by will the deed and the plan Be judged by the motive that lieth below (Judgment Quotes)
The order of the world is always right - such is the judgment of God. For God has departed, but he has left his judgment behind, the way the Cheshire Cat left his grin (Judgment Quotes)
St. Peter, on my judgment day, will not ask me about the B-2 or my defense votes. He will ask me about my vote to protect innocent human life (Judgment Quotes)
Hundreds of passages point to a time of judgment for every person who has ever lived-none will escape. If you took all the references to judgment out of the Bible, you would have little Bible left (Judgment Quotes)
There’s this whole sense of judgment and who’s right and who’s wrong and who’s moral and who’s going to be punished (Judgment Quotes)
If every crime victim had to have perfect judgment, we could empty our prisons (Judgment Quotes)
I know for me, when I would drink, I circumvented my own self-protection and my own judgment and my own discrimination - the healthy kind of judgment and discrimination (Judgment Quotes)
I didn’t think of the narrative as making a judgment. It didn’t occur to me the reader would either, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible there would be that risk (Judgment Quotes)
Individuals because of their identity can’t render an impartial judgment is just deeply offensive and contrary to all the ideals of the judicial system that we value (Judgment Quotes)
Most of the time, I regard the judgment of people as a waste of time. I regard the judgment of behavior as imperative (Judgment Quotes)
Courage is not the absense of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear (Judgment Quotes)
Your representative owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and he betrays instead of serving you if he sacrifices it to your opinion (Judgment Quotes)
Listening to both sides does not necessarily bring about a correct judgment (Judgment Quotes)
Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment (Judgment Quotes)
There is a beauty that arises from withholding judgment and evading comparison, a grace in not demanding consensus (Judgment Quotes)
Love and kindness is a way of living. Where there is love, there is no judgment. Where there is judgment, there is no love (Judgment Quotes)
The value of market esoterica to the consumer of investment advice is a different story. In my opinion, investment success will not be produced by arcane formulae, computer programs or signals flashed by the price behavior of stocks and markets. Rather an investor will succeed by coupling good business judgment with an ability to insulate his thoughts and behavior from the super-contagious emotions that swirl about the marketplace (Judgment Quotes)
Shame cannot survive being spoken. It cannot tolerate having words wrapped around it. What it craves is secrecy, silence, and judgment. If you stay quiet, you stay in a lot of self-judgment (Judgment Quotes)
For some students, especially in the sciences, the knowledge gained in college may be directly relevant to graduate study. For almost all students, a liberal arts education works in subtle ways to create a web of knowledge that will illumine problems and enlighten judgment on innumerable occasions in later life (Judgment Quotes)
My problem with the Emergent Church is not the questions they are bringing up, but the answers they are giving. They are making Christianity milky. They are making it so you can no longer define anything. There is no sound judgment allowed (Judgment Quotes)
Isn’t atheism just another religion?’ No, it isn’t. Atheism has no creeds, rituals, holy book, absolute moral code, origin myth, sacred spaces or shrines. It has no sin, divine judgment, forbidden words, prayer, worship, prophecy, group privileges, or anointed ‘holy’ leaders. Atheists don’t believe in a transcendent world or supernatural afterlife. Most important, there is no orthodoxy in atheism (Judgment Quotes)
I suspect that here theists and atheists would agree: Human beings have within them the ability to choose evil or good. We wake up each day facing the age-old struggle of good and evil. In some situations, mental illness clouds our judgment (Judgment Quotes)