Julie Burchill Quotes

Text Quotes
In Barcelona, things seem so different. For example, I know that it’s traditionally the least Spanish city, but you’d never know they had a monarchy, coming here as a tourist - as opposed to the U.K., where the Queen is probably the best-known animal, vegetable and/or mineral going when it comes to overseas visitors. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
It may be a cliche, but it’s true - the build-up to Christmas is so much more pleasurable than the actual day itself. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
People - and I include myself - get fat because they choose pleasure over self-denial (Julie Burchill Quotes)
It shouldn’t come as any surprise that those who choose acting as a profession are phonies who live in a fantasy world. What is surprising is how many of them are blissfully unaware of it. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Most women are wise to the fact that lots of men love a cat-fight, and thus go out of their way not to give them one. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
From paying off friends’ tax bills to rescuing stray dogs and stuffing ú20 notes into the hands of homeless people, I can’t get rid of my money fast enough. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Here in Barcelona, it’s the architects who built the buildings that made the city iconic who are the objects of admiration - not a bunch of half-witted monarchs. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
The Feminist Me says that a woman’s right to her own body should be inviolate at all times, free from fear of peeping paps. (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Now the whole dizzying and delirious range of sexual possibilities has been boiled down to that one big, boring, bulimic word. RELATIONSHIP (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Show me a frigid woman and, nine times out of ten, I’ll show you a little man (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Blakes Hotel in South Kensington was a particular favourite of mine during what I affectionately think of as my Restless Years (Julie Burchill Quotes)
I know that Brighton is famously a mixture of the seedy and the elegant, but in the summer of 2001 seediness swamped elegance hands down (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Some say that Cusk has no sense of humour, but expecting giggles from this writer would be akin to expecting sonnets from Benny Hill (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Depression is the most extreme form of vanity (Julie Burchill Quotes)
If you want sex, have an affair. If you want a relationship, buy a dog (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Transsexualism is, basically, just another, more drastic twist on the male menopause (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Punk was over in two years. That was the only damn good thing about it (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Writing is more than anything a compulsion, like some people wash their hands thirty times a day for fear of awful consequences if they do not. It pays a whole lot better than this type of compulsion, but it is no more heroic (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Amsterdam has more than 150 canals and 1,250 bridges, but it never seems crowded, nor bent and bitter from fleecing the tourist (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Sadly, a lot of what passes for feminism these days is just moaning about men, congratulating ourselves on nothing in particular, and mocking them for being big kids while doing everything we can to keep them that way (Julie Burchill Quotes)
I don’t have a spiritual bone in my body; but what I am, is religious (Julie Burchill Quotes)
When the sex war is won prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal of all women (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Prostitution is the supreme triumph of capitalism. When the sex war is won prostitutes should be shot as collaborators for their terrible betrayal of all women, for the moral tarring and feathering they give indigenous women who have had the bad luck to live in what they make their humping ground (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Being a child is horrible. It is slightly better than being a tree or a piece of heavy machinery but not half as good as being a domestic cat (Julie Burchill Quotes)
I wouldn’t know how to fool a man any more. My deceiving days seem so long ago (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Whenever I am sent a new book on the lively arts, the first thing I do is look for myself in the index (Julie Burchill Quotes)
It has been said that a pretty face is a passport. But it’s not, it’s a visa, and it runs out fast (Julie Burchill Quotes)
As with most liberal sexual ideas, what makes the world a better place for men invariably makes it a duller and more dangerous place for women (Julie Burchill Quotes)
A woman who looks like a girl and thinks like a man is the best sort, the most enjoyable to be and the most pleasurable to have and to hold (Julie Burchill Quotes)
Covering up, so far as I can see, is often the accompaniment to far more truly shameful behaviour than stripping off (Julie Burchill Quotes)