Juliet Marillier Quotes

Text Quotes
As for me, I had found love, and that was a gift worth suffering for (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Become my friend and you embrace a nightmare (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Every man or woman who makes a stand helps keep the flame of freedom burning (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
I would hold on, and hold on, until my hands clutch at emptiness (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Trust is a thing you know without words (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
I like the truth, even when it does trouble me (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Stronger than iron crueler than death sweeter than springtime it lives beyond breath (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
A dream is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the waking world (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
She went on because there was no going back (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
My world was changing, and I was not ready for it (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
The warmth of his embrace soaked into me, a powerful charm against the dark things (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Breath of the winds; dancing flame; peace of the earth; song of the waves (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Nobody expects you to exhibit godlike strength, excepting maybe yourself (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Come, dear heart. Lean on me and let us walk this path together (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
You may be your own best helper, if you choose the right path (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
I had learned how it felt to want more than the sweet touch of hand to cheek or lips to palm, more than a kiss, more than an embrace. I was starting to discover that it is not only the mind that understands love, but also the body (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
There are technical tricks that may help you create more effective characters. My approach to characterization is not at all technical. I can’t really analyze how I do it, but I am sure of one thing. To write convincing characters, you must possess the ability to think yourself into someone else’s skin (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
In all experience, there is something to be learned. In deepest sorrow, wisdom is found. In the well of despair, hope rises (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
The future was in our own hands. If we wanted a world where such things were possible, it was for us to make it (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
First person allows deeper insight into the protagonist’s character. It allows the reader to identify more fully with the protagonist and to share her world quite intimately. So it suits a story focused on one character’s personal journey. However, first person shuts out insights into other characters (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
I’ve loved fairytales, folklore and mythology since I was a small child, and I think it was inevitable that they would influence my style and my development of stories (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Third person allows a deeper exploration of the relationships between characters. We can see their misunderstandings and hear what they think about each other. We can create a more complex structure with various story threads running parallel (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Why should I be polished and improved like goods for sale? I might not even want to marry! And besides, I have many skills. I can read and write and play the flute and harp. Why should I change to please some man? If he doesn’t like me the way I am, then he can get some other girl for his wife (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Hope is such a tenuous quality. To feel it and then to be denied what one most longs for... Better, surely, not to hope at all, than to open the heart to a hope that is impossible (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Good and bad; shade and sunlight, there’s but a hair’s breath between them. It’s all one in the end (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
After a while, footsteps sounded on the flagstones outside and there was a gentle tap at the door. Of course, one of them would come. So close were we, the seven of us, that no childhood injury went unnoticed, no slight, real or imagined, went unaddressed, no hurt was endured without comfort (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
I had grown up. I had learned that being a woman was knowing when to stand firm and when to compromise. I had learned to laugh and weep; I had learned that I was weak as well as strong. I had learned to love. I was no longer a rigid, upright tree that would not flex and bow, even though the gale threatened to snap it in two; I was the willow that bends and shivers and sways, and yet remains strong (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
For indeed you have a choice. You can flee and hide, and wait to be found. You can live out your days in terror, without meaning. Or you can take the harder choice, and you can save them (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Wake the sleeper must, and confront his fears, or risk being lost in the dark places of the mind forever (Juliet Marillier Quotes)
Even in that time of utter darkness, somewhere deep inside me the memory of love and goodness had stayed alive (Juliet Marillier Quotes)