Jump Quotes

Text Quotes
Leap of faith (Jump Quotes)
Anxiety girl! Able to jump to the worst conclusion in a single bound! (Jump Quotes)
You can't always wait for the perfect time, sometimes you have to dare to jump (Jump Quotes)
You know that feeling you get when you’re standing in a high place. Sudden urge to jump? I don’t have it (Jump Quotes)
White men can't jump? Sorry I don't need to (Jump Quotes)
I’m up here. White cats. They can’t jump either (Jump Quotes)
I’m going to jump! Do a flip! (Jump Quotes)
A book is kind of like a river; I simply jump in and start swimming (Jump Quotes)
Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall (Jump Quotes)
To succeed, jump as quickly at opportunities as you do at conclusions (Jump Quotes)
Jump, then grow wings on the way down (Jump Quotes)
Jump? (Jump Quotes)
It’s a big jump from smart to motherwit (Jump Quotes)
When you have to jump, you jump (Jump Quotes)
I was embarrased, horrified and absolutely ready to jump him! (Jump Quotes)
My best move is probably my pull up jump shot (Jump Quotes)
There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who won’t even jump a puddle for you (Jump Quotes)
I prefer people who rock the boat to people who jump out (Jump Quotes)
Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning (Jump Quotes)
The most dangerous strategy is to jump a chasm in two leaps (Jump Quotes)
I think I jump around more when I’m alone (Jump Quotes)
I did not just fall in love. I made a parachute jump (Jump Quotes)
Good wits jump; a word to the wise is enough (Jump Quotes)
I didn’t jump onto anyone else’s coattail and ride their wave (Jump Quotes)
When jumping is the sole option, you jump, and try to make it work (Jump Quotes)
Jump off. You are a protected individual. Do not fear (Jump Quotes)
You have to jump into disaster with both feet (Jump Quotes)
If you are going to be pushed you had better jump (Jump Quotes)
You can’t jump for the stars if your feet hurt (Jump Quotes)
Circus dogs jump when the trainer cracks his whip (Jump Quotes)