Jump Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m not at the point where I’d feel safe in a house alone. I would be really scared. I’m the kind of person that when I get up to go use the bathroom I have this big long hallway, and I just know someone’s going to jump out and get me (Jump Quotes)
Jump in a hole without looking, and there’ll be a snake in it every time (Jump Quotes)
We are doubly willing to jump into the water after some one who has fallen in, if there are people present who have not the courage to do so (Jump Quotes)
Musicians are at the bottom of the creative pyramid and authors are at the top, and many people think it’s unacceptable for someone to attempt to jump from the bottom to the top of the pyramid (Jump Quotes)
I’m a very positive person. I get excited easily, and I like to jump around (Jump Quotes)
I’m not saying that everyone should swim with sharks, but sometimes you have to jump over your own shadow in order to learn something that you will never forget for the rest of your life. Then you know you can conquer your fears (Jump Quotes)
Every moment of my life has a soundtrack, so I never know when some song is going to jump me by surprise and bring the memory alive (Jump Quotes)
You can’t jump to vegan if you’re not. Some people are absolute. Some people are able to be gradual (Jump Quotes)
Sometimes, if you aren’t sure about something, you just have to jump off the bridge and grow your wings on the way down (Jump Quotes)
Sometimes you just have to jump out the window and grow wings on the way down (Jump Quotes)
It wasn’t awful to be dead. The stillness would almost be a relief. She wouldn’t want pain, she wouldn’t want to be wounded or mutilated. She could never shoot herself or jump off a building. But being dead wasn’t unthinkable (Jump Quotes)
Sometimes you can see things happen right in front of your eyes and still jump to the wrong conclusions (Jump Quotes)
Making a decision to write was a lot like deciding to jump into a frozen lake (Jump Quotes)
When kids look up to great scientists the way they do to great musicians and actors, civilization will jump to the next level (Jump Quotes)
If you want to find out who your real friends are, sink the ship. The first ones to jump aren’t your friends (Jump Quotes)
I never felt the urge to jump off a bridge, but there are times I have wanted to jump out of my life, out of my skin (Jump Quotes)
Do you want to understand how to swim, or do you want to jump in and start swimming? Only people who are afraid of the water want to understand it. Other people jump in and get wet (Jump Quotes)
I guessed my mother figured if my father got right down to the task of eating he wouldn’t be so inclined to jump up and strangle my grandmother (Jump Quotes)
I change too quickly: my today refutes my yesterday. When I ascend I often jump over steps, and no step forgives me that (Jump Quotes)
The pain has left but I know that it has not gone far, that it is sulking somewhere in a corner or under the bed and it will jump out when I least expect it (Jump Quotes)
You can’t jump off a cliff when you have already fallen off a bigger one (Jump Quotes)
To me fearless isn’t not having fears, it’s not that you’re not afraid of anything. I think that being fearless is having a lot of fears, but you jump anyway (Jump Quotes)
They say: Think twice before you jump. I say: Jump first and then think as much as you want! (Jump Quotes)
If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the last few months, it’s that sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump (Jump Quotes)
You know what the game of golf is, don’t you? It’s basketball for people who can’t jump and chess for people who can’t think (Jump Quotes)
Jump to the day we’ll all be dead and none of this will matter. Jump to the day another house will stand here and the people living there won’t know we ever happened (Jump Quotes)
He had the same empty confusion in his eyes that I saw in my mirror every morning, that odd sort of denial that only seems to come when the world decides to jump the rails without warning you first (Jump Quotes)
I start to back away before I do something wildly inappropriate, like jump on top of him (Jump Quotes)
Somewhere, someone isn’t impressed by your looks. Not all men jump through the hoops of your fire. You’re unbelievably boring to more people than you’ll ever know (Jump Quotes)
An itchy feeling began to work its way through my body, as though a thousand mosquitoes were circulating through my blood, biting me from the inside, making me want to scream, jump, squirm. I ran (Jump Quotes)