Junk Food Quotes

Text Quotes
Junk food, empty calories and carbs are the Big Data of the masses (Junk Food Quotes)
I usually eat anything I want. I’m not a big junk food guy, really. (Junk Food Quotes)
I love junk food (Junk Food Quotes)
Walking down the junk food aisle like (Junk Food Quotes)
I mind my own business. And I don’t eat junk food. (Junk Food Quotes)
We incorporated new tastes and flavors into our kids’ diets from a very early age, which helped to develop their palates and prevented them from becoming picky eaters. We don’t buy junk food and give them options of fresh fruit, yogurt, raw almonds, or dried whole grain cereals for snack time (Junk Food Quotes)
I tend to eat vegetables only when I’m with the kids and the rest of the time, I’m a bit slack. But, I am weight-conscious, so I concentrate on avoiding junk food (Junk Food Quotes)
School is where children spend most of their time, and it is where we lay the foundation for healthy habits. That’s why New Jersey is the first state to adopt a comprehensive school nutrition policy that bans candy, soda, and other junk food (Junk Food Quotes)
Cracker Jacks don’t count as junk food because they’re corn and peanuts, which we know to be high in nutrition. And they have a prize inside (Junk Food Quotes)
Clearly, some time ago makers and consumers of American junk food passed jointly through some kind of sensibility barrier in the endless quest for new taste sensations. Now they are a little like those desperate junkies who have tried every known drug and are finally reduced to mainlining toilet bowl cleanser in an effort to get still higher (Junk Food Quotes)
Television watching does reduce reading and often encroaches on homework. Much of it is admittedly the intellectual equivalent of junk food. But in some respects, such as its use of standard written English, television watching is acculturative (Junk Food Quotes)
The woman who respects the needs of her body will junk the junk food (Junk Food Quotes)
Nobody had ever told me junk food was bad for me. Four years of medical school, and four years of internship and residency, and I never thought anything was wrong with eating sweet rolls and doughnuts, and potatoes, and bread, and sweets (Junk Food Quotes)
I hate junk food. It depresses me (Junk Food Quotes)
You know, I want to eat junk food. My kids love junk food (Junk Food Quotes)
I was always a junk food person, still am (Junk Food Quotes)
Eat all the junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself (Junk Food Quotes)
For all the concern about bodies and weight, ‘Baywatch’ has three huge catering trucks on the set at all times. One for entrees, one appetizers and one for junk food. (Junk Food Quotes)
I believe many of us are overnourished on entertainment junk food and undernourished on the bread of life. (Junk Food Quotes)
I’m a very, very healthy eater. I eat lots of fish, lots of vegetables, lots of fruit. I don’t eat junk food. (Junk Food Quotes)
I worked in McDonald’s, but I didn’t mind it. You got free cheeseburgers. I love eating a bit of junk food. (Junk Food Quotes)
I love eating junk food. I’m a huge snacker, chips and candy (Junk Food Quotes)
My parents always wanted me to know why eating healthfully was important to overall performance, probably to drown out my whining for junk food. (Junk Food Quotes)
I follow my own advice: eat less, move more, eat lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains, and don’t eat too much junk food. It leaves plenty of flexibility for eating an occasional junk food. (Junk Food Quotes)
I suppose women are attracted to the bad-boy image sometimes because it’s fun to have an adventure. It’s like eating junk food... it’s fun at the time, but ultimately not the best choice. (Junk Food Quotes)
You can’t have a healthy civilization without healthy soil. You can’t have junk food and have healthy people. (Junk Food Quotes)
I’m going to try to stay buff as long as I can, but it takes a lot of discipline and staying away from your favorite junk food!. (Junk Food Quotes)
Consider our difficulties avoiding junk food and overspending. Such addictions were carefully planned-for by professional marketing teams. (Junk Food Quotes)
I eat a lot of junk food, because that’s what’s usually available at 1:00am when I’m all done working. (Junk Food Quotes)
We have these weapons of mass destruction on every street corner, and they’re called donuts, cheeseburgers, French fries, potato chips, junk food. Our kids are living on a junk food diet. (Junk Food Quotes)