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Just Be Quotes

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At that time of all times for yearning and longing, just before the sharp senses lose their outlines in sleep  (Just Be Quotes) For other nations, utopia is a blessed past never to be recovered; for Americans it is just beyond the horizon  (Just Be Quotes) I think that even in this place we ought to live as if we had no wishes and no future, and just be our true selves  (Just Be Quotes) Reincarnation. Just because you're no longer a five hundred pound killing machine, doesn't mean you can't still act like it  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you've seen something doesn't mean you'll stop looking. There's always something you didn't see before  (Just Be Quotes) And standing there, I felt a sense of loss. Not for myself but for him. He had missed so much not knowing me. He had denied himself his greatest accomplishment - to just be a dad  (Just Be Quotes) It's the worst kind of bad film: The kind that gets you all worked up and then lets you down, instead of just being lousy from the first shot  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you have so much to give does not mean that they'll all be accepted. There's more to giving than just giving  (Just Be Quotes) After I got my coffee, I leaned against a stop sign and sipped, pretending it was a normal day and I was only up this early so that I could go running and not because I'd just been on a killing spree  (Just Be Quotes) The kingdom of God is just behind the darkness of closed eyes, and the first gate that opens to it is your peace  (Just Be Quotes) Why can't you just love me? Why can't you just be in love with me? You were once, weren't you? In the beginning?  (Just Be Quotes) Just because an animal is large, it doesn't mean he doesn't want kindness; however big Tigger seems to be, remember that he wants as much kindness as Roo  (Just Be Quotes) I felt as I did once when Rose had very bad toothache - that it was callous of me to be so separate from the pain, that just being sorry for suffering people isn't enough  (Just Be Quotes) Don't be scared of your hunger. If you're scared of your hunger, you'll just be one more ninny like everyone else  (Just Be Quotes) We did not - and could not - purchase Earth with money. We have just been granted temporary stewardship  (Just Be Quotes) Why did I have to be a good boy just because I had a bad boy brother? I hated the way my mom and dad did family math  (Just Be Quotes) Talking just adds to the noise pollution in the world. If we were really serious about going green, then maybe we'd all just be quiet  (Just Be Quotes) For the music to be over so soon. For the music to be over when it had just begun. That was really sad  (Just Be Quotes) You really haven't changed, you've just become more of yourself. That is really what were all trying to do: become more of ourselves  (Just Be Quotes) I am told to just be myself, but as much as I have practiced the impression, I am still no good at it  (Just Be Quotes) There is a temperate zone in the mind, between luxurious indolence and exacting work; and it is to this region, just between laziness and labor, that summer reading belongs  (Just Be Quotes) Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you  (Just Be Quotes) Never accept the proposition that just because a solution satisfies a problem, that it must be the only solution  (Just Be Quotes) Just because someone sees the truth doesn't mean they will accept it or allow that truth to change them  (Just Be Quotes) Because I see a rainstorm in june just before the sun the black of night just before the stars and, girl, I see your ghost just before our dawn  (Just Be Quotes) Just because I'd kicked junk, after all, did not mean I'd kicked being a junkie. And junkies lie. It's their primary addition  (Just Be Quotes) It's not like I ever wanted to wake up and just be a grossly overpaid, self-loathing, can't look in the mirror without gagging TV writer  (Just Be Quotes) If I stop to think about fans, or bestselling, or not bestselling, or good reviews, or not - good reviews, it just becomes too much. It's like staring at the mirror all day  (Just Be Quotes) Silence fell between us. This was a common occurrence whenever we're alone. When you're comfortable with someone, you don't need to always fill the void with noise. I liked it when we would just be  (Just Be Quotes) If you hire people just because they can do a job, they'll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they'll work for you with blood and sweat and tears  (Just Be Quotes)
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