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Just Be Quotes

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I’m just trying to keep things simple, and just be a little more offhand and not get so deep into things. Enjoy what you got right now, because who knows what’s going to happen tomorrow  (Just Be Quotes) I think that you can take things personally or get hurt feelings as a result of something not working out just because your psyche said it should or you deserve it, or whatever it is  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you liked something as a youngster doesn’t mean you have to like it as an adult. You can change your taste a little bit on the sweets and things like that  (Just Be Quotes) It might just be me, but it’s tough when you get drivers that don’t stay where they should be  (Just Be Quotes) I was kind of like chasing my tail and trying to do the right thing, and was a little bit stupid. Or irresponsible, which is the same thing I guess. It’s just been really busy and I had a lot of great opportunities  (Just Be Quotes) I did a terrible television pilot that was so badly written and dumb that it became a turning point for me and I decided that I would never accept a job just because I needed the money  (Just Be Quotes) I am not interested in women just because they’re women. I am interested, however, in seeing that they are no longer classed with children and minors  (Just Be Quotes) Most often the music does end up in the movie, and sometimes there’s a point where I wish that it wasn’t, just because I think the score would be more effective if there was less of it. But, again, that’s not my call  (Just Be Quotes) It is hard for a black man to just be himself. We spend so much time in defense of something that is indefensible because there is nothing to defend  (Just Be Quotes) I can mourn internally, just be quiet about it. I have my moments but I’m not a real, expressive person, especially when it comes to like sadness  (Just Be Quotes) People think that just because you’re a center, you’re not as smart as the guards or the smaller guys  (Just Be Quotes) I know what the important things are in life. I know that just because I pretend to be someone else for two hours on the silver screen doesn’t make me a better person than the next man. So, I mind all those things. Simple things  (Just Be Quotes) And to me, fame is not a positive thing. The idea of being famous is a lot better than the reality. It’s fantastic when you go to premieres and people cheer you, but it’s not real. And it’s totally not my approach to get my name on a club door just because I can  (Just Be Quotes) An action doesn’t have to be wrong just because it is not logical. It doesn’t have to be right just because it has its logic  (Just Be Quotes) Special effects are characters. Special effects are essential elements. Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there  (Just Be Quotes) I just believe that whatever you put into your system you’re going to see on your face and your body  (Just Be Quotes) Now learning a bit more about footballers I think what they need to do well, is someone who really wants to stay in the background and just be a strong support  (Just Be Quotes) I have those moments with my kids and family where we try to unplug and just be in the moment. We put everything else to the side and just be there with our family  (Just Be Quotes) Just because an individual in his 30s hasn’t found true love and, yes, there are opportunities to date but it also forces you to be more particular. In so many ways, you become more adamant about finding that right person and not allowing yourself to open up to just anybody  (Just Be Quotes) I also want the chance to work with some of the best actors in the business, because that’s where you can learn so much by just being on a set and getting a feel for how they approach their role and how they work with you  (Just Be Quotes) A lot of times black actors get stuck in a box. They’re up against a lot of limitations for the kind of films that they get approached about. It’s easy to get stuck in a box and just be approached about nothing but urban films  (Just Be Quotes) Just because one likes to cook up a great meal or decorate their home doesn’t mean they have to do it with granite counter tops and duck a l’orange  (Just Be Quotes) Some of the snowballs have a kind of animal energy. Not just because of the materials inside them, but in the way that they appear caged, captured  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve done a lot of collaboration over the years, but right now I’m enjoying writing by myself and just being me again for a while  (Just Be Quotes) I’m comfortable with my femininity, and I don’t try to change what I look like just because I’m reporting on football at the end of the night  (Just Be Quotes) Otherwise, my whole career has just been flinging myself at whatever is most overdue first and letting everything else stack up  (Just Be Quotes) If you want to be a rock star or just be famous, then run down the street naked, you’ll make the news or something. But if you want music to be your livelihood, then play, play, play and play! And eventually you’ll get to where you want to be  (Just Be Quotes) You can’t just beat a team, you have to leave a lasting impression in their minds so they never want to see you again  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you know umpteen billion scales, it doesn’t mean you have to use them all in a solo  (Just Be Quotes) It’s an image that the media has given me as a bad girl, and the only reason they gave me that image is just because of the few things that have gone wrong in my life, and also because I grew up living in a trailer  (Just Be Quotes)
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