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Just Be Quotes

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Dont confuse legibility with communication. Just because something is legible doesnt mean it communicates and, more importantly, doesnt mean it communicates the right thing  (Just Be Quotes) Decide that life is good and you are special. Decide to enjoy today. Decide that you will live life to the fullest now, no matter what. Trust that you will change what needs changing, but also decide that you’re not going to put off enjoying life just because you don’t have everything you want now. Steadfastly refuse to let anything steal your joy. Choose to be happy... and you will be  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t believe that just because one person is born on one side of some imaginary line and another person is born on the other side means that a lot of people should be getting screwed through no fault of their own  (Just Be Quotes) You do not need to be fixed. You are not broken. You have never been broken. You are not in parts. These are just thoughts. These are just beliefs. Accept your self, where you are in this moment. Accept your wholeness. That is freedom  (Just Be Quotes) The world exists on thousands of different levels and just because some are more tragic than others, it doesn’t make them any more valid. You fall into that way of thinking and you become so overwhelmed by the world’s suffering, you go mad  (Just Be Quotes) Theres something incredible about putting a helmet on just before a game; its a feeling only a football player knows. Your vision narrows, and the whole world shrinks. You can’t hear much of what goes on outside you, but you can hear yourself breathe and you can feel yourself sweat  (Just Be Quotes) Just because we increase the speed of information doesn’t mean we can increase the speed of decisions. Pondering, reflecting and ruminating are undervalued skills in our culture  (Just Be Quotes) Every act of loving affirms the goodness of the lover just because he is capable of loving and being loved  (Just Be Quotes) Dreams are lovely. But they are just dreams. Fleeting, ephemeral, pretty. But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes things happen. It’s hard work that creates change  (Just Be Quotes) I’m a hopeless romantic. I buy things because I fall in love with them. I never buy anything just because it’s valuable. My husband used to say I look at a piece of fabric and listen to the threads. It tells me a story. It sings me a song. I have to get a physical reaction when I buy something. A coup de foudre – a bolt of lightning. It’s fun to get knocked out that way!  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you can thrill a toddler by chewing with your mouth open doesn’t mean you should  (Just Be Quotes) It used to be irritating just because someone can meet you and before they would get a chance to get to know you, they’ll go find someone else’s story about who I am. For me personally, I just always think it’s more interesting to get to know the person myself  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t read reviews or interviews or anything, just because I’m afraid; If I believed the good, then I’d believe the bad, and there will be bad  (Just Be Quotes) You just be honest about who you are, and if you don’t end up with any friends, then good for you  (Just Be Quotes) Just because I can’t change everything, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try to change anything at all  (Just Be Quotes) Twitter is like hugging. Just because it’s hard to measure the return on investment doesn’t mean there isn’t value there  (Just Be Quotes) Do not fall into the trap of thinking that just because a kata begins to the left that the opponent is attacking from the left  (Just Be Quotes) Commenting on playoffs to determine a national champion: I’m not in favor of 15 games either. I think that’s way too much football. The thing that I feel good about is that these guys hung together through 15 games and played hard every week. That’s a marvelous tribute to the kids. We just hung in there today and kept playing. It’s just been a special feeling all year long  (Just Be Quotes) Well, you know what? If that guy can do it, I can be myself too, and if that rapper can be himself and be free and be happy and still hold masculinity and love people and love flowers and just be happy being alive, well then, I can do that too  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t believe, for instance, that evolutionary biology or any scientific endeavor has much to say about love. I’m sure a lot can be learned about the importance of hormones and their effects on our feelings. But do the bleak implications of evolution have any impact on the love I feel for my family? Do they make me more likely to break the law of flaunt society’s expectations of me? No. I simply does not follow that human relationships are meaningless just because we live in a godless universe subject to the natural laws of biology  (Just Be Quotes) Everyone wants to be young and skinny. This is awful. Curves are marvelous. Wrinkles are hypnotizing. Why not just be happy with who you are?  (Just Be Quotes) If you’re an attractive guy, everyone thinks you’re successful just because of the way you look  (Just Be Quotes) It’s been really slow obviously, but I’m not worried about that. I feel like from where I was a couple months ago, things are a lot better. Just being able to skate and stuff was encouraging. Hopefully the next step doesn’t have any hurdles  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you didn’t start out perfect doesn’t mean you can’t have an excellent result in the end  (Just Be Quotes) It’s a long, hard road and it’s going to have its bumps; there are going to be times when you fall and times when you don’t feel like going on anymore, times when you’re just crazy tired but it takes focusing on that one step you’re taking. That’s what I’m trying to do with the marathon; I don’t think about the miles that are coming down the road, I don’t think about the mile I’m on right now, I don’t think about the miles I’ve already covered. I think about what I’m doing right now, just being lost in the moment  (Just Be Quotes) It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there  (Just Be Quotes) Investors repeatedly jump ship on a good strategy just because it hasn’t worked so well lately, and, almost invariably, abandon it at precisely the wrong time  (Just Be Quotes) It’s about being proud of who you are, being proud of your situation and just being stoked that things are always going to get better or always gonna get worse and that’s such a great thing. Every day is a new surprise  (Just Be Quotes) Sometimes it’s better to just be quiet, to not think of anything at all. Out of silence comes the greatest creativity  (Just Be Quotes) I get a lot of dramas, but I’d like to do a romantic comedy type of movie; that’d be a nice step for me. No more screaming or running or shooting... for one movie where I can just be in love with a boy  (Just Be Quotes)
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