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Just Be Quotes

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Eat what you want to eat, but just be willing to pay the price. If you know you want to eat more cake or more cookies, be willing to work out a lil bit more. I think that’s the problem people have is you want to eat bad, but yet you don’t want to pay the price to work it off  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve always felt that if I ever got cynical, I would have to stop making music because I’d just be poisoning the air  (Just Be Quotes) I think it’s every girl’s dream, a little bit, to be a model because it seems from the outside to be a glamorous industry and I was really into fashion, and I remember just being excited and wanting to be part of that  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve always been drawn to stories and telling them; whether it was through being a part of theater when I was a little kid, or film, or with music, there’s just been an innate desire to feel that connection  (Just Be Quotes) A good espresso to me is a little bit salty; you just become used to a good taste. Anytime I go into a new place and they don’t clean their machine properly or the water temperature isn’t right, it tastes awful  (Just Be Quotes) I was never an ingenue. I’ve always just been a character actor. When I was younger, it was a real problem, because I was never pretty enough. It was hard, not just for the lack of work, but because you have to face up to how people are looking at you  (Just Be Quotes) When you’re writing for a sequel and there’s a movie that’s been deemed sacred ground by the fanbase that’s the predecessor, you cannot do anything to tread on that, so it’s a bit trickier than just being able to sit down and write something  (Just Be Quotes) I find it personally distracting when kids are constantly texting, but they can be texting something that is just benign and just fine  (Just Be Quotes) A lot of populists after populism died just became socialists. At the beginning of the 20th century, socialism looked like it was going to take off. It didn’t, of course, but a lot of people thought it was going to  (Just Be Quotes) We put stereotypes on ourselves. Everybody does that. But I think it’s just a little harder for black kids to just be who they are  (Just Be Quotes) I know there are some actors who are just brilliant at improvising and brilliant at just being in the moment and doing it there and then. I’m not one of those actors  (Just Be Quotes) You never want your second act or the whole movie to just be this relentless march towards its goal. You want things to take the audience by surprise  (Just Be Quotes) Once you get to that point when you can just be yourself and relax, I just think that you’re so much happier in general  (Just Be Quotes) I think it’s really important for celebrities to use their power of money and fame to get their voices out there. It’s funny to me that we’re expected to keep quiet just because of who we are. Why do I lose my right to speak my mind because I’m famous?  (Just Be Quotes) Well, I don’t think just because people are in a relationship that they’re happy. I don’t think relationships necessarily make people happy. You just are happy or you’re not happy  (Just Be Quotes) You don’t have to say you love me, just be close at hand. You don’t have to stay for ever, I will understand  (Just Be Quotes) Lately I’ve heard rumors that the eagle may be lame. Just because I’ve been idle, don’t mean that I’m tame  (Just Be Quotes) Nothing I do is by design. It’s always the result of a happy accident. I didn’t have a career plan. It has just become the way it is. It’s all good fun  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve had a lot of fun watching my husband’s wonderful career as a filmmaker unfold and all the interesting places we’ve been and people we’ve met. It’s just been a really enjoyable ride  (Just Be Quotes) I’m not concentrated or concerned with any other factors rather than just being able to do the best job that I can  (Just Be Quotes) I didn’t just grow up in one environment, so it was easy for me, as a child, just to imitate and just be all these different people  (Just Be Quotes) In the acting world, you can really only become good by practicing and doing it, and I just think every time you walk onto a set you just become better and better. I think I’m in a totally different space than I was back then on that first movie set  (Just Be Quotes) In general in comedy, there are fewer people making a ton of money and a lot more people making a living. For me, the goal is just being able to make exactly the show I wanted to make  (Just Be Quotes) In between effect and cause and just beyond the range of normal sight, this glittering joker was dancing in the dragon’s jaws  (Just Be Quotes) I come from musical theater, and a lot of musical theater is about accepting fantasy. I think it is more about just being open and accepting  (Just Be Quotes) As a musician, life is not over just because you are getting older, and so I find retirement a very frightening and dark thought  (Just Be Quotes) I’m attracted to playing things that I find difficult, just because it’s a journey that is much more interesting  (Just Be Quotes) Branding experts believe that just because they have rethought a company’s image or name, the rest of us will automatically fall in line  (Just Be Quotes) I still have shy qualities but nobody would believe that, just because we’re in the forefront and I can talk a lot of mess and I can run my mouth  (Just Be Quotes) I’m just an entertainer. In a way crime stories are boring. A crime’s been committed and at the end you know it will be solved. So you’ve got to make the story interesting besides it just being a plot. And that’s why character matters, why you’ve got to make the characters interesting  (Just Be Quotes)
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