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Just Be Quotes

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Being taken seriously, for a young writer, is a wonderful form of encouragement, but at the same time, I don’t think one should ever feel like attempting a kind of artistic endeavor is beyond your scope just because of age or inexperience  (Just Be Quotes) The world is too big and too intricate to conform to our ideas of what it should be like... Just because we invent myths and theories to explain away the chaos we’re still going to live in a world that’s older and more complicated than we’ll ever understand  (Just Be Quotes) It’s funny that when people reach a certain age, such as after graduating college, they assume it’s time to go out and get a job. But like many things the masses do, just because everyone does it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea  (Just Be Quotes) I know that I’m an actor and I guess I could kind of put on an act, but it takes so much more time to be someone you are not. I feel so much better just being comfortable with myself and hopefully girls will accept that  (Just Be Quotes) Singing is an incredible expression and something that is important to me, but where I feel comfortable with how much I reveal about myself is acting. I enjoy the characters, the costumes, the wigs and just being a chameleon  (Just Be Quotes) Obama hasn’t been divisive just because his policies are so unpopular, though that’s a large part of it  (Just Be Quotes) I think the perception of wealth and power is that things just become easier and easier when in reality as you raise the stakes things become more stressful  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t have a horror film in me just because I don’t like to be scared. But I definitely have a documentary in me, and I certainly have dramas  (Just Be Quotes) I have nobody. I have surrounded myself with people who are fake just because I need to talk to somebody  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve done a lot of pilots. A lot of shows. You’re young and you do a job just because you know someone gave you a job  (Just Be Quotes) You hear a few people saying that, you know, maybe some of the past male players like to watch me play or whatever else, just because I play a bit differently and maybe they can relate to it a bit more with a bigger forehand rather than a backhand, good serve and whatnot  (Just Be Quotes) At every moment, you have the opportunity to crap out. The world will always tell you to play it safe and just be dead  (Just Be Quotes) It is important to have a certain amount of solitude just to clear your circuits. You will find that you can be very happy just being by yourself. Go to new places. It will cleanse your spirit  (Just Be Quotes) Lunches don’t get free just because you don’t see the prices on the menu. And economists don’t get popular by reminding people of that  (Just Be Quotes) I unplug the phone and close the door and just stick with it. I don’t ever go out for lunch and I don’t take vacations. I like to be awake when no one else is: either just before dawn in the morning or late, late at night. Silence helps  (Just Be Quotes) For me, being in a car or on an airplane is like being in limbo. It’s this dead zone between two places. But to walk, you’re some place that’s already interesting. You’re not just between places. Things are happening  (Just Be Quotes) I had this totally impossible dream of being an actress. Trust me, just because I’m lucky enough to be doing this doesn’t make any of this less of a pipe dream. And nothing gets my juices flowing like a really great performance. To see someone on stage, I get really excited  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you see a black man drivin’ in a nice car, does not mean it’s stolen… I stole that one. But not because I’m black!  (Just Be Quotes) Actually, I’ve never thought myself as being a particularly hard worker. I’ve always worked, and I guess my mind is busy all the time. I’ve been in a lot of things just because of my own intellectual curiosity  (Just Be Quotes) The vampire craze is kind of fascinating. We’re interested in the idea of immorality and I think we’re drawn to people or creatures who can give in to those base impulses and just be bad and not feel bad about it  (Just Be Quotes) Just because something isn’t a lie does not mean that it isn’t deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction  (Just Be Quotes) I’m lucky to just be a working actor. There are so many great actors out there and I’m just lucky to have gotten work  (Just Be Quotes) There’s nothing like theater. It’s really amazing. But it does take up all of your time. I would like to get into more film, just because I find it super fascinating  (Just Be Quotes) One is always enthralled, I think, when a young writer you’re just beginning to read and comprehend dies  (Just Be Quotes) In this world, one thing you should definitely strive for is originality. Just be who you are, and be your own person. That’s what will make you stand out  (Just Be Quotes) I’m not going to change who I am just because people think it’s weird. The only way I’m going to have a great season is by starting out happy and balanced and continuing to be me. It might be unconventional, but to feel good about life I need to have some adventure  (Just Be Quotes) Don’t act so callous to blank out good friends who failed on their way to success, just because something unusual hindered them, but you meandered out by a stroke of luck  (Just Be Quotes) Don’t change your mind just because people are offended; change your mind if you’re wrong  (Just Be Quotes) Just because we go through a difficult situation, it doesn’t mean that the future is predetermined. The future is very much in our hands, in our actions  (Just Be Quotes) In the silence of a midwinter dusk, there is a sound so faint that for all you can tell it may be only the sound of the silence itself. You hold your breath to listen. You are aware of the beating of your heart. The extraordinary thing that is about to happen is matched only by the extraordinary moment just before it happens. Advent is the name of that moment  (Just Be Quotes)
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