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Just Be Quotes

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I have to physically attracted to someone. But I can’t just be with someone just because it’s great sex. Because orgasms don’t last long enough  (Just Be Quotes) My mother is my hero just because, what life becomes about is overcoming adversity, and I watched her overcome so many things in life but still able to smile. See it’s one thing to overcome adversity and to be scarred and to carry that with you but when you have somebody overcomes adversity and they’re still able to smile that’s something else. That’s true strength  (Just Be Quotes) I get a huge kick out of training people, out of helping people, out of just being a part of a process that I get to see people’s dreams come true  (Just Be Quotes) Even the mistakes, even everything bad that happened, I wouldn’t change because then I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. The past is the past. I just want to focus on the future, and getting better, not making the same mistakes and just becoming a better person, a better artist. Just a better everything  (Just Be Quotes) I love fortune readings! because when I get in troubles, if the reading says that I am in a lucky day, I can think my troubles are just some kind of mistakes, and if the reading says that I am in the unlucky day, I can think that my troubles are just because of my bad luck. Either ways, I can know the reason of my troubles  (Just Be Quotes) Bad writing is bad not just because the language is humdrum, but the quality of the observation is so poor  (Just Be Quotes) Wisdom is nothing more than confirmed imagination: just because one did not study for his exam does not mean that he should leave it blank  (Just Be Quotes) The ignorant frighten children with ghosts, and the better educated assure them there is no such thing. Our understanding may believe the latter, but our instincts believe the former; so that, out of this education, we retain the terror, and just believe enough to make it very troublesome whenever we are placed in circumstances that awaken it  (Just Be Quotes) If souls survive death for all eternity, how can the heavens hold them all? Or for that matter, how can the earth hold all the bodies that have been buried in it? The answers are the same. Just as on earth, with the passage of time, decaying and transmogrified corpses make way for the newly dead, so souls released into the heavens, after a season of flight, begin to break up, burn, and be absorbed back into the womb of reason, leaving room for souls just beginning to fly. This is the answer for those who believe that souls survive death  (Just Be Quotes) Just because we cannot see clearly the end of the road, that is no reason for not setting out on the essential journey. On the contrary, great change dominates the world, and unless we move with change we will become its victims  (Just Be Quotes) Just because something has been a lot of work or consumed a lot of time doesn’t make it productive or worthwhile  (Just Be Quotes) You see people walking down the street with ear buds on and looking at this or whatever, talking to themselves. So there’s more and more opportunity to never be where we actually are and just be  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t want to be ordinary. I’m willing to do the work. I’m willing to suffer the indignities of comedy because I want to be great. I don’t want to just be good. I want to be great  (Just Be Quotes) The body should not just be something you see. It’s also the inside of it. It’s frightening and abstract and much more than pretty or not pretty. The shape of it is boring  (Just Be Quotes) I try to tell people that just because you’re buff and cut doesn’t mean you’re healthy  (Just Be Quotes) Sometimes I take a temperature of things just because everyone else does. Especially when I’m doing a play. I want to know what people are thinking, positive or negative  (Just Be Quotes) It’s not good enough to just keep producing technology with no notion of whether it’s going to be useful. You have to create stuff that people really want, rather than create stuff just because you can  (Just Be Quotes) It has got to the point in this country where men believe they are men, just because that is their birthright. If that is true, then, by the same logic, an animal held captive in a zoo is still a free wild beast  (Just Be Quotes) My boyfriend got me a computer three years ago. I’ll admit it does make things a lot easier. When I was working on a typewriter and I whited out a line, often I would choose a word to go in the space just because it fit. Now I don’t have to do that  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve never worked with an acting coach, but my parents had acting classes and I grew up around them my whole life just because I didn’t have a babysitter  (Just Be Quotes) I love working with women. I think it’s because I spent so much time in my brother’s heavy metal band. Sweaty boys in the rehearsal room. It’s nice to just be in the studio with a fragrant lady  (Just Be Quotes) I’m very, very thirsty for knowledge. Just because I’m good at something and have found success doesn’t mean I’m done. I’m not even close to being done. I don’t know if I ever will be done learning  (Just Be Quotes) My best work is always done... when I’m experimenting. If I stop experimenting I feel it just becomes a drudgery  (Just Be Quotes) I have great admiration for athletes. They are just like actors in a lot of ways. They have tremendous pressures and conflicts. They have to compete, and they can’t stay home just because they have a head cold  (Just Be Quotes) Just because something has always been done a certain way does not necessarily mean it’s the best way, or the correct way, or the healthiest way for your horse, or your relationship with your horse, or your life  (Just Be Quotes) You don’t have to be equal, you don’t have to be better, you don’t have to be worse. You can just be at peace  (Just Be Quotes) Finding a calm place inside myself through meditation kind of helped me to get over a lot of mental illness... it’s just been a really great thing in my life  (Just Be Quotes) It’s important not to lose who you are in a relationship just because it’s nice to cuddle with somebody  (Just Be Quotes) I like to be directed, but when I’m flying and I’m on fire, I don’t want someone coming and getting in my way just because they feel like they need to  (Just Be Quotes) The challenge is not finding the attitude, but it’s really just being open and willing to go for it and try different things, and having a director that you can trust. The attitude is not something that I intended or created  (Just Be Quotes)
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