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Just Be Quotes

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Just because you’re good in something doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily be good in something else. You just try and chase opportunities that you fall in love with or that inspire you and keep doing the work  (Just Be Quotes) I’m a poor kid from the streets. What I’ve been able to achieve has really just been through hard work and not letting anyone tell me that I couldn’t do something. I always try to encourage people to just pursue your dreams  (Just Be Quotes) Every actor wants to change things up a bit. You don’t want to be pigeonholed, and not just because of what the industry might think  (Just Be Quotes) There are so many highly esteemed ones who became miserable and humiliated just because of their bad temper and morals; and humble people who have attained eminence and the highest honors because of good temper and morals  (Just Be Quotes) I am my own biggest critic... I’m constantly criticizing myself, constantly trying to find ways to better myself and... compete and, you know, just be the best  (Just Be Quotes) People who try to be nice are false. They’re liars. You should never force your behavior to be a certain way. You should just be. Maybe it’s not going to be nice, but at least it’ll be honest  (Just Be Quotes) Something that had the quality of a dimly lit stage set just before the curtains rise on opening night. There was a rhythm to it, a beckoning, and a bittersweet tear in time  (Just Be Quotes) Just because something isn’t happening for you right now, doesn’t mean it won’t happen. God’s timing is perfect  (Just Be Quotes) The more information that’s out there, the greater the returns to just being willing to sit down and apply yourself. Information isn’t what’s scarce; it’s the willingness to do something with it  (Just Be Quotes) Always entertain the possibility that something, no matter how squiggly and scary looking, might just be good  (Just Be Quotes) Why don’t you like being you for a change? Just be different and don’t hate yourself and feel very good about all your different desires and all the things you didn’t want and want. Go get them all, and see what it’s like  (Just Be Quotes) Just because it doesn’t work out for you, doesn’t mean that it’s not wonderful for someone else  (Just Be Quotes) There’s no way we can possibly understand anything. But we can see things, we can perceive things, and we can wonder. We can just be in a world of awe and wonder. That’s the best we can do  (Just Be Quotes) So the intelligent use of power is to never interfere with anyone else’s success. Use the power you get to just be more successful yourself  (Just Be Quotes) My confidence allows me to do things my way and help people make a decision. People like the idea of me just being me  (Just Be Quotes) At one point you think, well, it’s funny, I could just be a starving actor. So if somebody were to pull the plug, there’d be no room for complaint  (Just Be Quotes) I’m free to do what I please, I’m probably not going to do albums. Just because I think releasing tracks as singles is a better way for me to stay topical  (Just Be Quotes) There are moments of levity. I feel like any great drama has moments of levity, or else it just becomes too hard to watch. 45 minutes of just pain and suffering is not enjoyable. We’re trying to entertain people  (Just Be Quotes) We justify the inequalities by saying some people are just better and smarter than others and the strong should survive and the poor can die off  (Just Be Quotes) Certain money is not always good money. It could be just being at the wrong place at the wrong time. I mean, if you have your priorities in check then for the most part it’s easy  (Just Be Quotes) My whole childhood was like: Work hard, be quiet, respect elderly people, respect your parents, and just be unobtrusive  (Just Be Quotes) To be comfortable in your skin was the biggest topic for me because I’m somebody who’s always judged just by how I look. I wanted to get the message across that you don’t have to hide yourself or be glamorous, just be you  (Just Be Quotes) It’s hard to listen to your own record or your own songs and not pass judgment in a critical way just because it’s your own thing. It’s weird to sit down to listen to it to enjoy it  (Just Be Quotes) I just believe in whatever you’re going to do, even if it’s work, have a little bit of fun attitude about it. You can be happy  (Just Be Quotes) There’s a girl sitting at the bar. Oh... Don’t look. I want to see a pretty girl. Okay, you can look. Just be cool for once. I’ll be cool  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve been in relationships where I’ve felt terribly alone. Just because you’re with someone, it doesn’t mean you’re happy  (Just Be Quotes) The ocean does something to me that is unexplainable. Just being out there and realizing I’m alive  (Just Be Quotes) I just believe that young people need to be able to learn how to write in their own voice. Just like a musician, you pride yourself on having your own distinct sound  (Just Be Quotes) Just because society has done things the same way for many years, that’s no reason to continue doing them. Women will be the harbingers of retirement transformations going forward and will be more creative and humanistic in the process  (Just Be Quotes) I really do want to just be able to sit in the corner of the pub with my friends... to just be an actor and still go to the supermarket and not get bothered  (Just Be Quotes)
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