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Just Be Quotes

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Don’t get cocky just because you’ve had a good run. You can lose your business as fast as you’ve earned it  (Just Be Quotes) It has always puzzled me, in my business, that people think they have to answer questions, no matter how disagreeable or dangerous, just because they were asked. Of course, we journalists would be out of business if they didn’t  (Just Be Quotes) Don’t hurry anything. Don’t worry about the future. Don’t worry about what progress you’re making. Just be entirely content to be aware of what is  (Just Be Quotes) Calculated risks are part of what you do, but the idea that something completely crazy will work just because it’s completely crazy is completely crazy  (Just Be Quotes) Why would I give up so much to just be another singer or another person doing what he loves? I’m out here doing everything to the best of my capability to be the best  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t like losing the words, as you have to, when I’m asked to turn a play into a movie. It’s not a matter of ego... I’m just better able to create the character for an audience through words rather than through actions  (Just Be Quotes) In a real relationship, you take two steps forward, one step back. So just because we take two steps forward and get all the benefit from that doesn’t mean we can’t go back or to the side  (Just Be Quotes) If something sucks, I’ve always been completely vocal about it, and I’ve been punished many, many times because of that. But I don’t think I’d be in the spot I’m in right now if I wasn’t me. I’ve always just been me  (Just Be Quotes) I often tell people to stop being afraid of writing bad poetry, or bad anything. I think that a lot of times, when people claim that they have writer’s block, or that they get stuck, it’s just because they’re scared of writing bad things  (Just Be Quotes) I think every book is a reaction to everything you’re written before, and most immediately to the book you wrote just before  (Just Be Quotes) One day I will have to forgive life for ending, I tell myself. I will have to learn how to let life be life with its unbearable finality... just be what it is  (Just Be Quotes) Just because digital technology makes connecting possible doesn’t mean you’re actually reaching people  (Just Be Quotes) Just because you’re beautiful, they think you can’t act... I’ve got a lot more to prove  (Just Be Quotes) Just because people are fat, it doesn’t mean they are well fed. The cheapest foods are the fattening ones, not the most nourishing  (Just Be Quotes) Americans took a great deal too much credit for creating wealth, when most of the time they had really just been living off natural bounty unprecedented in the history of the world  (Just Be Quotes) Killing a cop just because he’s a cop, that’ll happen. And that should happen. And there’s nothing inhuman about it at all. It’s survival. It’s the most human thing in the world  (Just Be Quotes) Beyond all of this is something else, perfection; not just as an ideation, but as a living reality. Even though it may just be an idea for you, hold that idea in your mind  (Just Be Quotes) New ideas are difficult just because they are new. Repetition has somehow plastered over the gaps and inconsistencies in the old ones, and the new cannot penetrate  (Just Be Quotes) You lose such a lot of time just sleeping... when you might just be living!... It seems such a pity we can’t live nights too  (Just Be Quotes) Just because they say they’re praying for you in your face, doesn’t mean they aren’t laughing at your struggle behind your back  (Just Be Quotes) I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m learning to not want to be someone else, to just be who I am, as is, with nothing extra added on  (Just Be Quotes) In the traditional family structure of Persia... one simply cannot discard close relatives just because one does not like them; rather one has to accommodate them, make allowances and accept them, like misfortune  (Just Be Quotes) Email is familiar. It’s comfortable. It’s easy to use. But it might just be the biggest killer of time and productivity in the office today  (Just Be Quotes) There are a lot of self important people who make you believe they’re artistes and high on the intelligence quotient and I’ve sat down and listened to them and just been bored  (Just Be Quotes) If you’re black, you can’t just be ordinary. All successful black people are extraordinary. If you are tremendously successful, and you’re black, you are extraordinary, or you wouldn’t stand out in this world  (Just Be Quotes) Just because I like sushi, doesn’t mean I can make sushi. I’ve come to well understand how many years just to get sushi rice correct. It’s a discipline that takes years and years and years. So, I leave that to the experts  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t usually read reviews. I usually read the interviews, just because I figure it’s a good way to try to do them better if I ever have to do them again  (Just Be Quotes) I have to resist the temptation to want to learn everything. You know, you can’t. You have to restrict yourself at some time, or else you find yourself just being spread too thin. And already I think I try too many things  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t want to just be an actor my whole life. I mean I do want to be an actor my whole life but not only an actor, I want to be an artist  (Just Be Quotes) In golf, just because a person is big and cut and ripped, doesn’t mean they have a physical advantage  (Just Be Quotes)
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