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Just Be Quotes

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My career is inexplicable to me. So far I’ve just been not getting fired despite being myself  (Just Be Quotes) If you can learn to be incredibly passionate about your work without fighting for it just because it’s yours, that’s a huge thing  (Just Be Quotes) Are we to go out with trumpets and tell everything we know, just because it is true? Is there not such a thing as egotistical truthfulness?  (Just Be Quotes) The best work of artists in any age is the work of innocence liberated by technical knowledge. The laboratory experiments that led to the theory of pure color equipped the impressionists to paint nature as if it had only just been created  (Just Be Quotes) I think the most romantic thing you can do is just turn up. Turn up when its difficult for you. Travel halfway around the world or just up the road. Whatever it is, just be there  (Just Be Quotes) I found early on in teaching, if you’re too blunt an instrument, the students discredit you and think you’re just being mean. They’re not interested in what you have to say  (Just Be Quotes) It is important in this journey to remember that just because someone has inflicted hurt upon us, it does not give us the right to do the same. Body shaming and hurtful tactics will never get the job done  (Just Be Quotes) The thing about fame, is you never think it’s going to happen to you. So when it does, it’s sort of a shock. Some people are just better at it than others  (Just Be Quotes) Youd just be amazed what people will do. You really would. And not crazy people. Ostensibly normal people. When the right person touches the right button in someone, you can get them to do almost anything  (Just Be Quotes) I think what really clicked for me was when I started booking commercials as a dancer... just being on set and seeing every element of production, it was magic to me  (Just Be Quotes) I love saying dialogue and creating a full character more than just being physical. But I always end up doing physical stuff in my roles  (Just Be Quotes) I never analyze stuff with comedy because it’s boring. It makes you stop being funny. Just be who you are and do what you do, and you’re either funny or you’re not  (Just Be Quotes) Never thought acting was something you could make a living at. It wasn’t until I was in college, and got a lead in a play, that I began to realize I might just be able to blunder into this profession  (Just Be Quotes) I think part of me would love to play a drag queen, just because it would be an excuse to wear loads of eye makeup  (Just Be Quotes) I have a really adaptable face, but when I am just being me, people always think I am younger than I am  (Just Be Quotes) Just because someone has gone to an elite school and college does not make him smarter than the person who has grown up on street knowledge  (Just Be Quotes) Literature has neglected the old and their emotions. The novelists never told us that in love, as in other matters, the young are just beginners and that the art of loving matures with age and experience  (Just Be Quotes) Every season has its lipstick trend, and just because your perfect color is a pinky beige, that doesnt mean you can’t wear deep burgundy  (Just Be Quotes) Everybody’s not going to like jazz, let’s just be honest about it. Everybody doesn’t like everything. There’s a disconnect in generations and some people just aren’t going to feel that music  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve decided that I’m not going to try to squeeze myself into a friendship that hurts me anymore. I’m going to let her go and just be friends with people who make me feel good about myself  (Just Be Quotes) Our underwear used to just be cotton, but we wanted to see if we could create something out of synthetics  (Just Be Quotes) Just because we are back home, don’t get comfortable. Have that same uptight feeling like it’s just us against everyone  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t want to put out something I’m not psyched on just because I finished it. That’s the stupidest reason to do something, really. I want it to be up to my standards. I don’t want to put out something I wouldn’t listen to  (Just Be Quotes) If I can avoid doing freelance work, I prefer to. Not just because it takes me away from drawing comics, but also because it’s just annoying having to deal with art editors, and having to read people’s articles or books or whatever  (Just Be Quotes) Acting is a specific discipline. Just because you can sing doesn’t mean you have the sensitivities of being an actor  (Just Be Quotes) I’ve always been raised to love everyone, to accept everyone for their differences, and to just be open. But at a young, a very young age, I realized what racism was all about  (Just Be Quotes) Any religion has to have a practice. When you let it go so far from practice that it just becomes a matter of talk something bad happens  (Just Be Quotes) Just be careful. Passion is a bridge that connects love and hate. When you’re standing in the middle of that bridge, don’t let yourself get turned around. You’ve got to make sure you know which direction you’re heading. Watch yourself  (Just Be Quotes) Performing arts buildings are complex. The acoustics, the sight lines and all that have to just be perfect. So you begin with just making these things sublime as musical instruments. And if you fail there, you have failed it all  (Just Be Quotes) I don’t have a stylist, and I do most of my shopping online, just because it’s easier. I don’t have any nails to manicure, and it takes me 30 minutes to get ready for a night out, as long as I’ve decided what to wear first  (Just Be Quotes)
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