Just Because Quotes

Text Quotes
Just because something causes you to have a feeling of aesthetic beauty does not make it a work of art (Just Because Quotes)
There is nothing wrong with you just because you haven’t yet met people who share your interests or outlook on life. Unless you are doing something unhealthy or destructive, take pride in your beliefs, passions, and values. Know that you will eventually meet people who will appreciate you for being you (Just Because Quotes)
Condemning all women in order to help some misguided men get over their foolish behaviour is tantamount to denouncing fire, which is a vital and beneficial element, just because some people are burnt by it, or to cursing water just because some people are drowned in it (Just Because Quotes)
Just because something is invisible doesn’t mean it isn’t there. At any given time, there are a host of invisibles floating among us. There are clairvoyants to see ghosts; but who sees the invisible emotions, the unrecorded events? Who is that sees love, more evanescent than any ghost, let alone can catch it? Who are you tell me that I don’t know what love is? (Just Because Quotes)
Fifteen minutes of fame doesn’t make a career. An article in a magazine, newspaper, interview on television or multiple print ads may stroke your ego, but nothing much else. An artist’s career is a lifetime venture. Just because an artist is on top doesn’t mean they are sheltered from a crash. As has been stated, the higher you climb, the harder you fall (Just Because Quotes)
Due to the fact that I experienced personally the situation of a political prisoner, I have an historical commitment to all those that were or are prisoners just because they expressed their views, their public opinion, their own opinions (Just Because Quotes)
Just because others have it worse doesn’t mean you have to suffer in silence (Just Because Quotes)
I hadn’t seen any novel make the statement that entering the workforce was like entering the grave. That from then on, nothing happens and you have to pretend to be interested in your work. And, furthermore, that some people have a sex life and others don’t just because some are more attractive than others. I wanted to acknowledge that if people don’t have a sex life, it’s not for some moral reason, it’s just because they’re ugly. Once you’ve said it,it sounds obvious, but I wanted to say it (Just Because Quotes)
The ice caps are melting now. They’re not going to refreeze next year just because we reduce our emissions. We’re going to live in that world. So plan for it (Just Because Quotes)
Beauty is highly desirable but simplicity and usefulness are the overwhelming fashion of our age. Just because it’s beautiful does not mean it’s useful (Just Because Quotes)
Luck is one thing. It has always been there, it has always been a part of my success. It’s a part of everyone’s success. Without it, you can’t be successful. But luck is something you have to stimulate, something you have to nurture through the choices you make... That’s why things have always worked out for me. Things work out not just because I’m lucky, but because I plan ahead. I figure out what I want and I go for it. I’ve always spent a lot of time trying to surround myself with the right people, the kinds of teammates who could lead me to my goals (Just Because Quotes)
... just because a guitar is old doesn’t make it good... I’ve seen guitars that were old but weren’t as good as the reissue... for me, it’s not the age that makes it happen, it’s the quality of the instrument (Just Because Quotes)
I chose the shadows; they did not choose me. I stay here securely not just because I feel plain, but because disappearance is by now the easy way. The habit. The worn path that I can trod knowingly and be assured safe passage home (Just Because Quotes)
Don’t let people who you may respect and who you believe know what they’re talking about, don’t let them tell you it can’t be done because often they will tell you it can’t be done, and it’s just because they don’t have the courage to try (Just Because Quotes)
You must be very patient, very persistent. The world isn’t going to shower gold coins on you just because you have a good idea. You’re going to have to work like crazy to bring that idea to the attention of people. They’re not going to buy it unless they know about it (Just Because Quotes)
I’m not one to blow smoke at my players. They kicked our butts on the offensive boards. And it’s not just because the ball came their way (Just Because Quotes)
Don’t they know science doesn’t work like that? You can’t just order scientific breakthroughs. They happen when you are looking at something you’ve been working on for years and suddenly see a connection you never noticed before, or when you’re looking for something else altogether. Sometimes they even happen by accident. Don’t they know you can’t get a scientific breakthrough just because you want one? (Just Because Quotes)
In a tough situation, don’t avoid acting just because it’s easier or comfortable. Don’t lapse into a passive state. People who give up, die (Just Because Quotes)
It’s kind of dumb; everybody should be able to listen to the kind of music they want and just because you’re a fan of a band for a longer period of time doesn’t mean you have a greater stake of claim to the band or the music (Just Because Quotes)
Sometimes ah think that people become junkies just because they subconsciously crave a wee bit ay silence (Just Because Quotes)
I learned another thing, which is that just because someone is eating the ashes of your protagonist doesn’t mean you stop telling the story (Just Because Quotes)
Just because your triceps have fallen behind your biceps, doesn’t mean you should back off your triceps workouts (Just Because Quotes)
Just because we have a thought, doesn’t mean it is a thought worth having (Just Because Quotes)
I often feel I am being burned at the stake just because I have always refused to give up that wonderful strange power I have inside me that becomes manifested when I am in harmonious communication with some other inspired being (Just Because Quotes)
Dont confuse legibility with communication. Just because something is legible doesnt mean it communicates and, more importantly, doesnt mean it communicates the right thing (Just Because Quotes)
Decide that life is good and you are special. Decide to enjoy today. Decide that you will live life to the fullest now, no matter what. Trust that you will change what needs changing, but also decide that you’re not going to put off enjoying life just because you don’t have everything you want now. Steadfastly refuse to let anything steal your joy. Choose to be happy... and you will be (Just Because Quotes)
Just because you’re on their side doesn’t mean they’re on your side (Just Because Quotes)
I don’t believe that just because one person is born on one side of some imaginary line and another person is born on the other side means that a lot of people should be getting screwed through no fault of their own (Just Because Quotes)
Just because you’re convicted in a court room doesn’t mean you’re guilty of something (Just Because Quotes)
Just because you wear a bow tie doesn’t mean you’re a nerd (Just Because Quotes)