Just Married Quotes

Text Quotes
Welcome to marriage (Just Married Quotes)
I just want to get married in a bathing suit... Deal with it. (Just Married Quotes)
I married her just because she looks like you (Just Married Quotes)
I just wanted to be married and to be happy ever after (Just Married Quotes)
When I do get married again, I’m just going to take time off (Just Married Quotes)
Me and my grandma are getting married. Just not to each other. (Just Married Quotes)
It’s just as hard... staying happily married as it is doing movies. (Just Married Quotes)
A man is incomplete until he is married. After that, he is finished (Just Married Quotes)
He put a ring on it (Just Married Quotes)
Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate (Just Married Quotes)
And they lived happily ever after (Just Married Quotes)
Happily ever after starts here (Just Married Quotes)
You have my whole heart for my whole life (Just Married Quotes)
You’re an idiot. I’m your idiot. Foreveeer! (Just Married Quotes)
Wow! you get to be with him all the time, for the rest of your life, until you die! (Just Married Quotes)
Our road starts here (Just Married Quotes)
Now I can get fat (Just Married Quotes)
If you gave me a choice between being married and being a baseball player, that’s a no-brainer. I would be married any day. I just love it. (Just Married Quotes)
My own sex life is very monogamous and happy . . . just a happy married sex life! (Just Married Quotes)
Just because you married doesn’t mean you’re not an individual person with your own wants and desires and needs. (Just Married Quotes)
I get nice letters, but really I have no idea. I just try to enthuse people. You’ve been married for 31 years. (Just Married Quotes)
Behind every successful man,there isn’t just a woman but a prayerful and hardworking woman.If not every married man would be successful. (Just Married Quotes)
There’s nothing wrong with being single and not getting married and being, you know, just an old single lady. Who cares? (Just Married Quotes)
I’m just afraid I’m gonna miss it all... being married... being a mother. (Just Married Quotes)
I tell my friends married life is boring, but that’s just a fun thing to say to make single people feel better. (Just Married Quotes)
Getting married isn’t going to make your relationship better. It’s just a ceremony. (Just Married Quotes)
Today, a couple with ‘just married’ tags collided head-on with a hearse carrying two coffins in the back, both of a married couple that had previouslydied in a car accident. (Just Married Quotes)
I didn’t think marriage worked. I thought everybody who was married was secretly miserable - that it was something they just put up with for their children. (Just Married Quotes)
If I get married again, I’m just going to buy the woman a house and break up with her, because that will be the end result anyway. (Just Married Quotes)
I am loathe to get married again. I’ve been married enough; I just prefer to forget it. (Just Married Quotes)