Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him

Justice is a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him
Thomas Aquinas, a prominent theologian and philosopher of the medieval period, believed that justice is a fundamental virtue that guides individuals to do what is right in any given situation. In his work, Aquinas defined justice as "a certain rectitude of mind whereby a man does what he ought to do in the circumstances confronting him." This definition highlights the importance of moral reasoning and ethical decision-making in determining the just course of action.According to Aquinas, justice is not simply a matter of following rules or laws, but rather a deeper understanding of what is morally right and fair. It involves a sense of duty and responsibility towards others, as well as a commitment to upholding the common good. In this sense, justice is not just about individual actions, but also about the impact those actions have on society as a whole.
Aquinas believed that justice is rooted in reason and natural law, which are universal principles that govern human behavior. He argued that individuals have a moral obligation to act in accordance with these principles, regardless of personal interests or desires. This means that justice requires individuals to consider the needs and rights of others, and to make decisions that are fair and equitable.