Justification Quotes

Text Quotes
It is not difficult to find a religious justification for killing (Justification Quotes)
God never grants justification without also giving sanctification at the same time... Sanctification in us begins as an instantaneous act of the Holy Spirit and is carried forward by His continued action in our lives (Justification Quotes)
Because we have a natural tendency to look within ourselves for the basis of God's approval or disapproval, we must make a conscious daily effort to look outside ourselves to the righteousness of Christ, then to stand in the present reality of our justification (Justification Quotes)
In too many modern churches there is no emphasis on theology at all. There is a kind of justification by works or by keeping up with modern trends - anything that will drag in a few more people (Justification Quotes)
Let me say this as clearly as I can: No matter how sharp a grievance or how deep a hurt, there is no justification for killing innocents (Justification Quotes)
Woman: the peg on which the wit hangs his jest, the preacher his text, the cynic his grouch and the sinner his justification (Justification Quotes)
For the truth is that our doctrines are usually only the justification a posteriori of our conduct, or else they are our way of trying to explain that conduct to ourselves (Justification Quotes)
There is no justification for present existence other than its expansion into an indefinitely open future (Justification Quotes)
Justification is the new creation of the new man, and sanctification his preservation until the day of Jesus Christ (Justification Quotes)
Anarchists try to identify power structures. They urge those exercising power to justify themselves. This justification does not succeed most of the time (Justification Quotes)
Uselessness is a fatal accusation to bring against any act which is done for its presumed utility, but those which are done for their own sake are their own justification (Justification Quotes)
Whether or no it be for the general good, life is robbery. It is at this point that with life morals become acute. The robber requires justification (Justification Quotes)
The nights in Billancourt were soft and sweet, enlivened now and again by those childish airplane or zeppelin alarms which provided the civilian population with thrills and self justification (Justification Quotes)
After all, if you make your enemy look like a fool, you lose the justification for engaging him (Justification Quotes)
The only justification for repressive institutions is material and cultural deficit. But such institutions, at certain stages of history, perpetuate and produce such a deficit, and even threaten human survival (Justification Quotes)
Those who love him love that he sells the most art; they take it as a point of faith that this proves Kinkade is the best. But his fans don't only rely on this supply and demand justification. They go back to values (Justification Quotes)
Any work that aspires, however humbly, to the condition of art should carry its justification in every line (Justification Quotes)
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness (Justification Quotes)
My justification is that most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what they're going to do for the next five or ten years. The time they spend thinking about their life, I just spend drinking (Justification Quotes)
Death is the justification of all the ways of the Christian, the last end of all his sacrifices, the touch of the Great Master which completes the picture (Justification Quotes)
Saving faith is an immediate relation to Christ, accepting, receiving, resting upon Him alone, for justification, sanctification, and eternal life by virtue of God's grace (Justification Quotes)
This procedure [selecting the simplest law], however, has no logical justification but only a psychological one (Justification Quotes)
There is another side to chivalry. If it dispenses leniency, it may with equal justification invoke control (Justification Quotes)
A structure becomes architectural, and not sculptural, when its elements no longer have their justification in nature (Justification Quotes)
If you want to study one of these strange organisms, you had better have a good justification. It’s not good to study gene organisation in some obscure insect that no one’s ever heard about (Justification Quotes)
A lot of people in spiritual life use the awareness of difference, and the spiritual glorification of difference, as a justification to indulge in that which is ultimately unreal (Justification Quotes)
Lutherans, whose arguments and mistakes will not be difficult to contest or discover, do not want to attribute any value to works, and they do not understand enough the scope of the justification (Justification Quotes)
Ircumcision, an archaic ritual mutilation that has no justification whatever and no place in a civilized society (Justification Quotes)
Every child saved with my help and the help of all the wonderful secret messengers, who today are no longer living, is the justification of my existence on this earth, and not a title to glory (Justification Quotes)
There is no real justification for a requirement that a budget of any sort should be balanced, except as a rallying point for those who seek to hamstring government (Justification Quotes)