Justin Bieber Quotes

Text Quotes
No matter how much I try, I can’t figure out how to not be adorable! (Justin Bieber Quotes)
As hard as I’ve tried, I don’t know how not to be adorable (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I would rather call a girl beautiful or pretty; rather than hot or sexy (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I don’t get why my fans call me yummy. I mean I’m not a sandwich! (Justin Bieber Quotes)
We never destroyed anything major, but there were a few small casualties. A couple of lamps were sacrificed (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I think older people can appreciate my music because I really show my heart when I sing, and it's not corny. I think I can grow as an artist, and my fans will grow with me (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I want to be a young dad. By 25 or 26 I want to see myself, like, married or start looking for a family (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it (Justin Bieber Quotes)
Of course, I think that people are just waiting for that time when I make a mistake and they're gonna jump on it. There's gonna be haters (Justin Bieber Quotes)
Young people in the business have grown up and made the wrong decisions, or bad decisions, and haven't been good role models. To be someone that people look up to is important to me (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I've got my eye on a few things to spend my money on. I've got my own bank card but I am really good with money. I don't spend too much at all (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I've had a few gigs where things have got out of hand and there has been a huge crush with my fans. They are important and I don't want them being hurt. They are a mad crowd (Justin Bieber Quotes)
A girl has to have a beautiful smile, Beautiful eyes and she should have a good sense of humor. She should be Honost, loving and trustworthy (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me. No one can stop me (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I'm telling you, people. Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you. Never say never (Justin Bieber Quotes)
If I can do just one tenth of the good Michael Jackson did for others, I can really make a difference in this world (Justin Bieber Quotes)
My world got very big, very fast, and based on a lot of sad examples from the past, a lot of people expect me to get lost in it (Justin Bieber Quotes)
There's gonna be times when people tell you that you can't live your dreams, this is what I tell them, never say never (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I will never say never I will fight I will fight till forever make it right whenever you knock me down I will not stay on the ground pick it up and never say never (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I still feel like a regular kid. Sometimes it's weird that I go to places and have thousands of people waiting for me. But I always think, I'm Justin (Justin Bieber Quotes)
You see, my buddies had a freedom I no longer had. All I wanted was to do something normal and skateboard with the guys, but I knew that if I went downstairs to join them it would create total chaos (Justin Bieber Quotes)
No matter how talented you are not everyone is going to like you but that's life, stay strong (Justin Bieber Quotes)
What makes the perfect kiss? Closing your eyes when you kiss is important. Or lifting up the leg, but that's more of a girl thing, I'm manly. Passion is good! She brings out the best in me. (Selena) (Justin Bieber Quotes)
U should not be afraid of doing what ur mind tells you 2 do... just listen 2 ur heart... never say never (Justin Bieber Quotes)
Chicken is good and never stop eating you will look like me and you will have hair like me and sing like me and be 500 pounds!!!! (Justin Bieber Quotes)
Theres gonna be times in life when people tell you that you can't, thats when you just gotta turn around and say watch me (Justin Bieber Quotes)
I won't even pretend I didn't care. I wanted to win. I mean, if you don't care about winning the competition, why show up? (Justin Bieber Quotes)
This letter really touched my heart. Sabrina says when she lost all her hair during chemo, she wore the cap I gave her (Justin Bieber Quotes)
Everything starts from something but something would be nothing if your heart didn't dream with me (Justin Bieber Quotes)
If you don't dream big, there's no use of dreaming. If you don't have faith, there's nothing worth believing (Justin Bieber Quotes)