Kanye West Quotes
Text Quotes
Beauty has been stolen from the people and is being sold back to them as luxury (Kanye West Quotes)
Clothing should be like food. There should never be a $5000 sweater. You know what should cost $5000? A car (Kanye West Quotes)
People say it takes a village to raise a child. People ask me how my daughter is doing. She’s only doing good if your daughter’s doing good. We’re all one family (Kanye West Quotes)
Creative output, you know, is just pain. I’m going to be cliché for a minute and say that great art comes from pain (Kanye West Quotes)
Black people can be the most conservative, the most discriminating. Especially among ourselves. It wasn’t white people who said all black men have to wear baggy jeans (Kanye West Quotes)
I didn’t want to play it boring and safe. I also didn’t want to innovate too much. Second albums, man, they’re even scarier than first ones (Kanye West Quotes)
I’ll say things that are serious and put them in a joke form so people can enjoy them. We laugh to keep from crying (Kanye West Quotes)
If you have the opportunity to play this game of life you need to appreciate every moment. a lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed (Kanye West Quotes)
I’m pretty calculating. I take stuff that I know appeals to people’s bad sides and match it up with stuff that appeals to their good sides (Kanye West Quotes)
It was a strike against me that I didn’t wear baggy jeans and jerseys and that I never hustled, never sold drugs (Kanye West Quotes)
Why, if someone is good in one field can they not be accepted or given the slightest opportunity to express and be creative in other fields? (Kanye West Quotes)
I don’t like to say something’s weird when it’s innovative and fresh (Kanye West Quotes)
It’s motivation. Some people are gifted at specific things, but I had to develop. The thing I’m most talented at is the ability to learn (Kanye West Quotes)
If you admire somebody, you should go ahead and tell them. People never get the flowers while they can still smell them (Kanye West Quotes)
They say people in your life are seasons and anything that happens is for a reason (Kanye West Quotes)
If I was more complacent and I let things slide, my life would be easier, but you all wouldn’t be as entertained. My misery is your pleasure (Kanye West Quotes)
I don’t even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in (Kanye West Quotes)
Would you believe in what you believe in if you were the only one who believed it? (Kanye West Quotes)
Know your worth! People always act like they’re doing more for you than you’re doing for them (Kanye West Quotes)
I will go down as the voice of this generation, of this decade, I will be the loudest voice (Kanye West Quotes)
If I was just a fan of music, I would think that I was the number one artist in the world (Kanye West Quotes)
Keep your nose out the sky, keep your heart to God, and keep your face to the raising sun (Kanye West Quotes)
To use is necessary. And if you can’t be used, then you’re useless (Kanye West Quotes)
Sometimes when I see a bad performance and people still clap... I wonder if they’re clapping because they liked what they saw or because they’re happy it’s over? (Kanye West Quotes)
Take your diamonds and throw em up like you’re bulimic. Yeah, the beat cold, but the flow is anemic (Kanye West Quotes)
I wonder... would you rather have 100 from an average person or 10 from someone who is outstanding (Kanye West Quotes)
I want to help change the way young people look at school, and hence, the way they look at their futures (Kanye West Quotes)
And wouldn’t change by the change, or the game, or the fame, when he came, in the game, he made his own name (Kanye West Quotes)
I am the number one human being in music. That means any person that’s living or breathing is number two (Kanye West Quotes)
I wouldn’t even say that I’m a rapper. I’d say I’m more of a messenger (Kanye West Quotes)