Kate Atkinson Quotes

Text Quotes
It was funny because she thought of herself as a good team player, although sometimes she suspected that no one else on her team did (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
I was on the verge of something numinous and profound and in one more second the universe was going to crack open and arcana would rain down on my head like grace and all the cosmic mysteries were going to be revealed (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
If they would all sleep all the time she wouldn’t mind being their mother (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Ursula craved solitude but she hated loneliness, a conundrum that she couldn’t even begin to solve (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
The beginning is the word and the end is silence. And in between are all the stories (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
A man with an Irish accent could sound wise and poetic and interesting even when he wasn't (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Pamela, even at a distance, was the voice of her conscience, but then it was very easy to have a conscience from a distance (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
The past is a cupboard full of light and all you have to do is find the key that opens the door (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
But I know nothing; my future is a wide open vista, leading to an unknown country - the rest of my life (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Do you keep time in the same place that you save it? If so why is it always so difficult to find? It must be in a very safe place (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
If there was one thing she found more tedious than thinking about politics it was talking about politics (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
And the English soul, if it resided anywhere, was surely in some unheroic back garden - a patch of lawn, a bed of roses, a row of runner beans (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Her soft soul had crystallized. (Just as well, she thought. ) She was a sword tempered in the fire (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Sylvie was surprised by the rabid patriotism of the women on the platform, surely war should make pacifists of all women? (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
I think there is something wrong with the human race. It undermines everything one would like to believe in, don't you think? (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
He wondered what a visitor from the past would make of it. It used to be the poor who were thin and the rich who were fat, now it seemed to be the other way round (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
It wasn't that he believed in religion, or a God, or an afterlife. He just knew it was impossible to feel this much love and for it to end (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
I have been to the world's end and back and now I know what I would put in my bottom drawer. I would put my sisters (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
She was a terrible mother, there was no doubt about it, but she didn't even have the strength to feel guilty (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Perhaps we are on an insula ex machina, an artificial place not in the real world at all - a backdrop for the stories we must tell (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
In the end, it is my belief, words are the only things that can construct a world that makes sense (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
As I watch, the sky fills with clouds of snow feathers from every kind of bird there ever was and even some that only exist in the imagination, like the bluebirds that fly over the rainbow (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
I feel as if I'm waiting for something dreadful to happen, and then I realize it already has (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Amelia looked at the eggs - like sickly, jaundiced eyes - and thought of her own eggs, a handful left, old shrivelled like musty dried fruit where once they must have been bursting toward the light (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
She should have done science, not spent all her time with her head in novels. Novels gave you a completely false idea about life, they told lies and they implied there were endings when in reality there were no endings, everything just went on and on and on (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
He was one of those people who stared at you with a meaningful smile on their face, as if he was somehow intellectually and spiritually superior, when the fact was he was simply socially inept (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Maybe this was why people filled their house with stinking cats, so they didn't notice that they were alone, so they wouldn't die without a living soul noticing (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
How overwhelming the feelings of love and terror, the desperate desire to protect. How much stronger would those feelings be if it were her own child? Perhaps too strong to bear (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
Whatever happens to you, embrace it, the good and the bad equally. Death is just one more thing to be embraced (Kate Atkinson Quotes)
All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win is for enough good women to do nothing (Kate Atkinson Quotes)