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Kathleen Tessaro Quotes

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There is nothing more difficult than simplicity, and therefore, nothing more refined  (Kathleen Tessaro Quotes) My husband claims I have an unhealthy obsession with secondhand bookshops. That I spend too much time daydreaming altogether. But either you intrinsically understand the attraction of searching for hidden treasure amongst rows of dusty shelves or you don’t; it’s a passion, bordering on a spiritual illness, which cannot be explained to the unaffected.  (Kathleen Tessaro Quotes) If you can capture a womans imagination, then you will have her. But imagination is a strange creature. It needs time and distance to function properly  (Kathleen Tessaro Quotes) My husband claims I have an unhealthy obsession with secondhand bookshops. That I spend too much time daydreaming altogether. But either you intrinsically understand the attraction of searching for hidden treasure amongst rows of dusty shelves or you don’t; it’s a passion, bordering on a spiritual illness, which cannot be explained to the unaffected  (Kathleen Tessaro Quotes) The universe is bound by unseen threads. We have only to untangle them a little to see a pattern unfold  (Kathleen Tessaro Quotes)