Kathryn Stockett Quotes

Text Quotes
Bosoms are for bedrooms and breastfeeding (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
All my life I’d been told what to believe about politics, coloreds, being a girl. But with Constantine’s thumb pressed in my hand, I realized I actually had a choice in what I could believe (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Write about what disturbs you, particularly if it bothers no one else (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I have decided not to die (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Who knew paper and ink could be so vicious (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Demetrie came to wait on my grandmother in 1955 and stayed for 32 years. It was common, in Mississippi, to have a black domestic cleaning the kitchen, cooking the meals, looking after the white children (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Having a separate bathroom for the black domestic was just the way things were done. It had faded out in new homes by the time the 70s and 80s rolled up (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I grew up in the 1970s, but I don’t think a whole lot had changed from the 60s. Oh, it had changed in the law books - but not in the kitchens of white homes (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I have never been more proud of the United States than I am this year. We have elected an African-American president. We have the stellar Michelle Obama setting the standard for American women. I simply cannot say it enough: look how far we’ve come (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I’m a Southerner - I never take satisfaction in touching a nerve. I guess if I’m forced to find a good side, I’m glad that people are talking about an issue that hasn’t really been discussed all that much. I’m glad that people are talking about it from the black perspective and the white perspective (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
When Demetrie got sick, we knew it was our responsibility to take care of her and pay her medical bills. And we embraced that. But the tricky part is, like so many families in the South, we also expected her to use a separate bathroom, to use separate utensils (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
When I grew older and awkward, when my parents divorced and life had gone all to hell, demetrie stood me at the wardrobe mirror and told me over and over, ‘You are beautiful. You are smart. You are important.’ It was an incredible gift to give a child who thinks nothing of herself (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Wasn’t that the point of the book? For women to realize, We are just two people. Not that much separates us. Not nearly as much as I’d thought (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I’ve become one of those people who prowl around at night in their cars. God, I am the town’s Boo Radley, just like in To Kill A Mockingbird (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Truth. It feels cool, like water washing over my sticky-hot body. Cooling a heat that’s been burning me up all my life. Truth, I say inside my head again, just for that feeling (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Who knew heartbreak would be so goddamn hot (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I used to believe in em (lines). I don’t anymore. They in our heads. Lines between black and white ain’t there neither. Some folks just made those up, long time ago. And that go for the white trash and the so-ciety ladies too (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I tell myself that’s what you get when you put thirty-one toilets on the most popular girl’s front yard. People tend to treat you a little differently than before (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Mrs. Charlotte Phelan’s Guide to Husband-Hunting, Rule Number One: a pretty, petite girl should accentuate with makeup and good posture. A tall plain one, with a trust fund (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
Down in the national news section, there’s an article on a new pill, the ‘Valium’ they’re calling it, ‘to help women cope with everyday challenges.’ God, I could use about ten of those little pills right now (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I don’t know what to say to her. All I know is, I ain’t saying it. And I know she ain’t saying what she want a say either and it’s a strange thing happening here cause nobody saying nothing and we still managing to have us a conversation (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I look deep into her rich brown eyes and she look into mine. Law, she got old-soul eyes, like she done lived a thousand years. And I swear I see, down inside, the woman she gone grow up to be. She is tall and straight. She is proud. She got a better haircut. And she is remembering the words I put in her head. Remembering as a full-grown woman (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
As I wrote, I found that Aibileen had some things to say that really weren’t in her character. She was older, soft-spoken, and she started showing some attitude. (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I wash my hands, wonder how an awful day could turn even worse. It seems like at some point you’d just run out of awful. (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
The first book you write because of the way it makes you feel. The second one you can’t help but wonder how it’s going to make the reader feel. (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
If I’d played Mammy, I’d of told Scarlett to stick those green draperies up her white little pooper. Make her own damn man-catching dress. -Minny (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I think if you’re president, color goes away completely: you’re president and it doesn’t matter if you’re white, green or purple. (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
They say it’s like true love, good help. You only get one in a lifetime. (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
No one tells us, girls who don’t go on dates, that remembering can be almost as good as what actually happens. (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)
I intend to stay on her like hair on soap (Kathryn Stockett Quotes)