Keep company with the more cheerful sort of the Godly; there is no mirth like the mirth of believers

Keep company with the more cheerful sort of the Godly; there is no mirth like the mirth of believers
Richard Baxter was a prominent English Puritan church leader, theologian, and writer who lived in the 17th century. He was known for his strong beliefs in the importance of living a godly life and the need for believers to surround themselves with like-minded individuals. One of his famous quotes is, “Keep company with the more cheerful sort of the Godly; there is no mirth like the mirth of believers.”Baxter believed that spending time with other believers who were joyful and positive in their faith was essential for one’s spiritual growth and well-being. He understood the power of community and the impact that surrounding oneself with the right people could have on one’s outlook on life. By keeping company with those who were cheerful and godly, Baxter believed that individuals could experience a deeper sense of joy and fulfillment in their own lives.
The mirth of believers that Baxter spoke of was not just about laughter and happiness, but about a deep-seated joy that comes from knowing and walking with God. It is a joy that transcends circumstances and is rooted in a faith that is unshakeable. By surrounding oneself with others who share this same faith and joy, believers can encourage and uplift each other in their spiritual journey.
Baxter’s words are a reminder of the importance of community and fellowship in the Christian life. He understood that we are not meant to walk this journey alone, but to support and encourage one another along the way. By keeping company with those who are cheerful and godly, believers can experience a sense of unity and camaraderie that strengthens their faith and brings them closer to God.