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Keeping Quotes

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If, as some savants of consciousness suggest, we are actually agreeing to create, from moment to moment, everything we perceive as real, then it stands to reason that we’re also responsible for keeping it going in some harmonious manner  (Keeping Quotes) God is punishing me for my past wickedness by keeping me alive and in as much pain as he can  (Keeping Quotes) It’s understandable that people are keeping one eye on the pot and another up the chimney  (Keeping Quotes) Most people work at keeping their job, rather than doing a good job. If you’re the former, you’re leading a meaningless life. If you’re the latter, keep up the good work  (Keeping Quotes) Your biggest challenge as an entrepreneur is not concealing your idea from others or keeping your idea a secret, it is actually convincing people that you’re not crazy and that you can pull this off  (Keeping Quotes) As for procreation, no one in his right mind would say that it is the only activity devoid of a praiseworthy incentive. Those who reproduce, then, should not feel unfairly culled as the worst conspirators against the human race. Every one of us is culpable in keeping the conspiracy alive, which is all right with most people  (Keeping Quotes) To me, it’s always what’s next and I think that’s what drives most very successful people. It’s never about the money. I mean that’s a way of keeping score. It’s about achievement and it’s about winning a game and it’s about upping the ante  (Keeping Quotes) Keeping players happy is not easy and I think anyone with a big squad will tell you that  (Keeping Quotes) It is the courage to be authentic that keeps us strong enough to withstand the heartbreak through which enlightenment can occur. And it is by honoring how life comes through us that we get the most out of living, not by keeping ourselves out of the way. The goal is to mix our hands in the earth, not to stay clean  (Keeping Quotes) We’ll be able to have very intelligent, little robots with computers going inside our bloodstream, keeping us healthy from inside, destroying cancer at the level of one cell  (Keeping Quotes) Step by step, you make your way forward. That’s why practices such as daily writing exercises or keeping a daily blog can be so helpful. You see yourself do the work, which shows you that you can do the work. Progress is reassuring and inspiring; panic and then despair set in when you find yourself getting nothing done day after day. One of the painful ironies of work life is that the anxiety of procrastination often makes people even less likely to buckle down in the future  (Keeping Quotes) Keeping a journal of what’s going on in your life is a good way to help you distill what’s important and what’s not  (Keeping Quotes) The conventional wisdom in our business is that you have to grow and keep moving to survive. We never grew, always stayed tiny, and it serves us very well over the years, allowing us to pick and choose projects, and keeping our financial independence from our clients. We actually have a rather good track record, because we do select projects carefully. Most of our ideas don’t eat dust but glimpse the light of day because we find it much more helpful to spend some serious time and effort before we start working on a project, rather than suffer through it afterwards  (Keeping Quotes) The real test of a bridge player isn’t in keeping out of trouble, but in escaping once he’s in  (Keeping Quotes) Most of us are pretty good at keeping promises to others and pretty bad at keeping promises to ourselves  (Keeping Quotes) If you don’t let things develop, it’s like keeping something in a bag and not letting it out to fly  (Keeping Quotes) I don’t believe that it’s true that the poor will always be with us. I think that kind of pious fatalism is just an excuse for keeping things the way they are  (Keeping Quotes) I’ll be a grieving mom until I die because of the lies that took my son,... I plan on keeping this up until the troops are brought home  (Keeping Quotes) Hope. It’s like a drop of honey, a field of tulips blooming in the springtime. It’s a fresh rain, a whispered promise, a cloudless sky, the perfect punctuation mark at the end of a sentence. And it’s the only thing in the world keeping me afloat  (Keeping Quotes) You can keep your privacy in the world by keeping your product, not your personality, the star  (Keeping Quotes) I was injured because everyone around me was observing neutrality and keeping silent. After all, they saw that I wasn’t ready to perform that element. But they kept quiet  (Keeping Quotes) The important thing is not to be masochistic. Women are so hard on themselves. Don’t do that. No one is keeping score  (Keeping Quotes) Whenever the cloud of ego threatens to engulf me, I remind myself of my roots. It helps keeping my feet on the ground  (Keeping Quotes) Keeping a slow hunch alive poses challenges on multiple scales. For starters, you have to preserve the hunch in your own memory, in the dense network of your neurons. Most slow hunches pass in and out of our memory too quickly, precisely because they possess a certain murkiness. You get a feeling that there’s an interesting avenue to explore, a problem that might lead you to a solution, but then you get distracted by more pressing matters and the hunch disappears. So part of the secret of hunch cultivation is simple: write everything down  (Keeping Quotes) Poetry is priceless... a way of keeping yourself feeling rich and civilized even when you’re quite poor  (Keeping Quotes) Discovering various economists, economic works, reading financial periodicals and keeping up on current events in geopolitics and economics around the world opened my eyes to many facets of how the extended order works  (Keeping Quotes) It is true that all of us are the beneficiaries of crimes committed by our ancestors, and it is true that nothing can be done about that now because the victims are dead and the survivors are innocent. These are good reasons for keeping our mouths shut about the past: but tell me, what are our reasons for silence about atrocities still to come?  (Keeping Quotes) It’s not just that that and that exists. It’s that that, that, that, and that all exist in the same frame. I’m always looking for something more. You take in too much; perhaps it becomes total chaos. I’m always playing along that line: adding something more, yet keeping it sort of chaos  (Keeping Quotes) There was a man that hated his footprints and his shadow, so one day he thought that if he ran fast enough, his footprints and shadow would not be able to follow him and then he never ever had to look at them again. He ran and he ran as fast as he could, but the shadow and the footprints had no problems keeping up to him. And he ran even faster and all of a sudden he fell dead to the ground. But if he been standing still there hadn’t been any footprints and if he had been resting under a tree his shadow had been swallowed of the trees shadow  (Keeping Quotes) We are focused on features, not products. We eliminated future products that would have made the complexity problem worse. We don’t want to have 20 different products that work in 20 different ways. I was getting lost at our site keeping track of everything. I would rather have a smaller set of products that have a shared set of features  (Keeping Quotes)
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