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Keeping Quotes

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My own dream is that we discover that the NSA has been secretly keeping files on members of the National Rifle Association  (Keeping Quotes) I haven’t had Botox because my face is a bit lopsided and I depend on keeping everything animated so that people don’t notice  (Keeping Quotes) There are moments in Life when keeping silent becomes a fault, and speaking an obligation. A civic duty, a moral challenge, a categorical imperative from which we cannot escape  (Keeping Quotes) The earth is wise. It has given itself into the keeping of all, and all are therefore accountable  (Keeping Quotes) Keeping an eye on the world, from so many thousands of feet off the ground  (Keeping Quotes) Yet some things you miss and some things you lose by keeping your arm outstretched  (Keeping Quotes) I choose to have faith, because without that, I have nothing. It’s the only thing that’s keeping me going  (Keeping Quotes) Find a guy that will pick up every piece of your shattered heart and put it back together. Keeping one for himself replacing it with a piece of his  (Keeping Quotes) Surround yourself with people who genuinely care, they are the ones worth keeping in your life, everyone else is just passing through  (Keeping Quotes) Weakness is keeping your burdens inside simply for the sake of other people seeing you crack. They won’t go away if you don’t embrace them  (Keeping Quotes) I worry myself into not doing bad things or risky behaviors. Been keeping me safe for years now  (Keeping Quotes) Im gonna start keeping my distance from a few people. Its not that I have a problem with them. Its just that they’re not benefiting my life  (Keeping Quotes) Getting a lot of girls isn’t something to be proud of, keeping one is  (Keeping Quotes) The people who still think you’re at your best when they see you at your worst are the ones worth keeping  (Keeping Quotes) What’s important to u? Keeping your pride and getting nothing or taking a risk and maybe, maybe having everything?  (Keeping Quotes) Relationship, is bound to fall apart when you start keeping things. Secrets don’t destroy everything, lying does  (Keeping Quotes) Chiropractic care is an important part of keeping me in the best condition so I can perform at an optimal level  (Keeping Quotes) One thing that helps me to live peacefully and mindfully is successful engagement in meaningful work, keeping my mind where my hands are  (Keeping Quotes) Gonna start keeping my distance from a lot of people. I don’t need everyone in my business and causing more problems to my life  (Keeping Quotes) I have to pay attention to what I have felt and observed, then push these responses to an extreme while keeping the story within the realm of being psychologically and emotionally true  (Keeping Quotes) Commitment doesn’t mean sticking to one person forever, it means keeping a relationship with someone even though you have lots of options  (Keeping Quotes) Since the law prohibits the keeping of wild animals and I get no enjoyment from pets, I prefer to remain unmarried  (Keeping Quotes) No one wants to be hurt or played, but sometimes you have to go through a few losers before you find someone worth keeping  (Keeping Quotes) Life’s about making sacrifices, so know what’s worth letting go and know what’s worth keeping  (Keeping Quotes) Try to expect nothing, while keeping an open mind for everything. Don’t look for happiness directly, but don’t settle for anything less  (Keeping Quotes) My big concern is keeping people off the highways today, so that we have no further accidents  (Keeping Quotes) You have become a mature person when keeping a secret gives you more satisfaction than passing it along  (Keeping Quotes) The last thing I want in my life is drama. I’ve done a pretty good job at keeping my distance so far, don’t involve me please  (Keeping Quotes) To make it hard, to make it difficult almost impossible for people to cast a vote is not in keeping with the democratic process  (Keeping Quotes) You’ve got to perform in a role hundreds of times. In keeping it fresh one can become a large, madly humming, demented refrigerator  (Keeping Quotes)
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