Kelley Armstrong Quotes

Text Quotes
Wow. The guy can make me feel stupid even when he’s telling me I don’t have to let him make me feel stupid (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
I had to take responsibility, even if it meant saying no to an authority figure, because I was the authority on me (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Simon: Anyone ever tell you your sense of timing really sucks? Derek: That’s why I don’t play the drums. Now what’s up? (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
I could only stare, any sense that maybe I understood him evaporating as it always did. I’d glimpse something underneath, and he’d snatched it away so fast it left bruises that called me a fool for hoping for more (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Derek picked the spot? Had he been hoping I’d be blinded by the morning sun and stumble off the edge? (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
When I leaned a little too close to the doorway, my inner voice piped up, telling me not to be stupid. The guy with the bionic senses was better equipped for this (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
When I glanced at the chair, it started to shake. I’d like to think it was scared of me, but I rarely invoked that response in living things, let alone inanimate objects (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Kids who don’t eavesdrop on adult conversations are doomed to a childhood of ignorance (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
He liked women with little butts and big tits? Someone had played with one too many barbie dolls as a kid (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
A stereotype becomes a stereotype when a significant percentage of the population appears to conform to it (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
When you accept a leadership role, you take on extra responsibility for your actions toward others (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
I don’t read much of what I write because I worry about unintentionally borrowing something (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Demon, angel, all the same thing if you go back far enough, or cut deep enough (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Why is it that every time a girl says a guy is bothering her, it’s fluffed off with oh, he just likes you, as if that makes it okay? (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
First you buy me a mocha. Then you let me help you hide a body. Now you take me to a biker clubhouse. Best. Day. Ever (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
I love you. I’m not sure if it’s the way you want me to. I think it might be. But I know that I love you. I absolutely love you (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
There are lots of things in the folklore, like they can only be killed by a silver bullet, that don’t realistically work, if you’re trying to say they have existed for hundreds of years, unknown (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
All I could think about was him, and how much I wanted this, and how incredibly lucky I was to get it, and how tight I was going to hold onto it (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
This is what I wanted. This guy. This life. This me. I was never getting my old life back, and I didn’t care. I was happy. I was safe. I was right where I wanted to be (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Common courtesy dictates that we never drain the lifeblood of anyone to whom we’ve been formally introduced (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
A girl my age had been murdered in these woods and I’d seen her last terrified moments, watched her bleed to death in this forest. A life like mine had ended here, and it didn’t matter how many times I’d seen deaths in movies, it wasn’t the same, and I wasn’t ever going to forget it (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
To distract myself from thoughts of my father, I decided to check out the dead body (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
He obviously needed more practice, but no matter how often I abandoned him out there, his sense of direction never seemed to improve (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
I have to. I’ve been fighting it all night. I’m going to lose. My battle is as futile as a woman feeling the first pangs of labor and deciding it’s an inconvenient time to give birth. Nature wins out. It always does (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Well, either you have a compartment under this floor, containing a living person, or the property is infested by giant moles (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
I’d been staring at the search term for at least five minutes. One word. Necromancer (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Just show him that I didn’t need his apology, I guess. Show him that I was okay. Better than okay. I was happy, in spite of everything he’d done to me, and no, I didn’t forgive him. God help me, I would not forgive him (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Dont talk to the crazy kids. I longed to shout back that we weren’t crazy. I’d mistaken her kid for a ghost, that’s all (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)
Release the demon under promise that I’d be repaid handsomely, my enemies destroyed? Hmm, where had I seen this before? Oh, right. Every demon horror movie ever made. And the horror part started right after the releasing part (Kelley Armstrong Quotes)