Kenneth Fisher Quotes
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Text Quotes
Italians have always had a high savings rate. They love putting their money into their own government bonds - even more than in houses, stocks and gold. The higher rates climb, the happier they are to invest. So if austerity plans drive rates up, it’s music to Italian ears. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
I’ve long loved emerging markets airlines because they usually sell at bargain prices. The troubled history of developed market airlines unfairly taints these stocks. In the emerging world, they’re growth stocks. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
When the economies of emerging markets don’t just grow but beat expectations, there’s scarcely a mention. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
If you are prepared for some risk, junk bonds pay about 5%, but they tend to get whacked when interest rates rise. Same with lower-yielding but higher-quality corporate bonds. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Windmills and solar cells are carbon-free sources of electricity. But they are costly. If you’ve been investing in those, give it up. That game is effectively over. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
The average mutual fund holding period for equity or fixed income is only about three years. It’s too short. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Anyone can see how if a feared tax hike doesn’t happen, that’s a positive factor. But even if tax hikes happen as feared, vast history tells me it doesn’t have to have the big bad impact folks fear. And fear of a false factor is always bullish. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Despite its many critics, hydraulic fracturing will change the nature of energy production (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Hundreds of investors ask me questions each year about the dilemmas they confront. Their worst problem? Uncertainty. They are traumatized and become emotional or confused to the state of inaction. Even worse, they try to solve a short-term problem in a way that hurts them financially in the long run. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Most investors give too much credence to the theory that prices are rational; they presume that a market collapse must have been justified by serious economic trouble. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
I’ve done well over time but made lots of mistakes, too. Learn from your mistakes. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
When I was a young man in the 1970s, tech firms were scattered across the developed world. Since then, America has come to dominate tech almost totally. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Back in the 60s and 70s, data were scarce, and while analysts knew that companies with fat gross margins lagged those with thin gross margins early in bull markets - and overachieved in the later phases - they couldn’t do much about it. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
The more you talk about investing problems, the worse you feel. Instead of complaining, it’s better to do something. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
What is the most common investor mistake? Trading - getting in and getting out at all the wrong times, for all the wrong reasons. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
One component of the leading economic indicators is the yield curve. Bond investors keep a close eye on this, as it illustrates the spread or difference between long-term interest rates and short-term ones. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Having different types of stocks in your portfolio can enhance returns (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
In the world I’ve known most of my life, old stories quickly lose their power over capital markets and get replaced by new surprises. That which everyone fixates on gets priced into the stock market quickly and can’t drag on. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
To me ‘The Big Easy’ is shorthand for owning big stocks that are easy for wary investors to buy into. These stocks tend to outperform during the back half of bull markets. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Buying only what you know can end in disaster. Just think about Enron’s employees and business partners, the ‘locals’ who bought lots of its stock because they thought they were in the know. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
The upward move at the beginning of a bull market is almost always huge compared with the vacillations late in the bear market. If you try to pick a bottom, you will miss a good part of the action. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
People do dollar cost averaging because they have regret of making one big mistake. But the fact of the matter is that, mathematically, the market rises more of the time than it falls. It falls, but it rises more of the time than it falls. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
The latter part of bull markets are typically led by stocks that are seen then as high quality, but the ones that do best are the ones that weren’t seen as such high quality before. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Plenty of funds have fine long-term returns despite being tax-inefficient and generally costly. But a dirty secret is this: Average, no-load fund investors do much worse than the funds - or the market. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
If you’ve taken Econ 101, you know that the quantity of money rises only when the banking system makes a net loan. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
I’m sometimes accused of being hostile to mutual funds. That’s not fair, really. There is a place for them. Still, I am hostile to one thing, which is trying to use funds to time your way in and out of the market. That’s a recipe for very bad results. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Normally, the market peaks before bad news emerges. That’s what happened in 1929, and that’s what happened in 2000. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Readers regularly ask what can go wrong but almost never what could positively surprise (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
Environmentalists should like fracking for its relative cleanliness. But they don’t. They have made a bugaboo out of the chemicals in fracking fluids, which supposedly can leach into groundwater sources. I’m convinced they’re dead wrong. Ultimately, good technology with a cost advantage will win out over paranoia. (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
All equity categories, correctly calculated, create near-identical lifelong returns. They just get there via wildly differing paths (Kenneth Fisher Quotes)
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