Kick Quotes

Text Quotes
Sometimes, to help someone you love, you have to commit a felony. But, you don’t want to go to prison for that. Hey, dude, what are you in for? Armed robbery? Murder? And then, you have to say, Love. And, that’s definitely going to get you, you know, picked last for prison kick ball. (Kick Quotes)
My experiences with the older audience and, selectively, the people I hang out with or run into, they all want to see Arnold [Schwarzenegger] kick some ass. (Kick Quotes)
The truth of why I used to listen to Arrested Development on my Walkman was because if I didn’t, it would take me 20 minutes to walk to school. If I did, it took me 15. That’s the reason I loved it. I just had more of a kick in my step, more of a bounce, so I’d walk quicker. (Kick Quotes)
I went to art school when I was little. I took ballet lessons. I played a little kick ball. I was sort of into everything because I had too much energy and I didn’t know where to put it. When I was a preteen, I got into singing, and became really obsessed with it. (Kick Quotes)
I shot a Metallica video in Hollywood, and there were, like, 100 people on set. There was even a guy there to put antiseptic gel on my hands. Amazing. If I asked for that on a Danish set, they’d probably kick me out of the country. (Kick Quotes)
There are a million and one fear tactics, just kick it out and at least be able to say that you tried. (Kick Quotes)
Who wouldn’t want to watch an averagely attractive guy kick a three legged, one eyed dog in the face as it urinates all over itself? The correct answer is no one. (Kick Quotes)
The best thing a man can do on a first date is be a friend. I think that’s the biggest mistake men make on the first date. Just get to know me. Be my friend. Just kick it with me as if I was hanging with a homeboy. It shouldn’t be this awkward situation. It should be that we’re there, having a great time. (Kick Quotes)
No, I’m just a very naughty boy. I do all sorts of bad things. I kick kittens. I make rude gestures at nuns. (Kick Quotes)
We’ve both got a million bad habits to kick, not sleeping is one. We’re biting our nails, you’re biting my lip, I’m biting my tongue. (Kick Quotes)
When I was a teenager, I was an umpire for a competitive league for 8- to 9-year-olds. I was really bad at it because I didn’t know all the rules, and all these kids were better athletes than me. I made a bad call, and this dad snapped on me. Then he dumped his trash from his cooler, and I had to kick him out of the stands. (Kick Quotes)
There are a lot of things that I love, but if you’re just completely invested in those things, their opposite can kick you over... So the trick is finding out how to maintain your balance when you’re in situations with the people who make you happy and when you’re not. (Kick Quotes)
By five or six, when the heels start to hurt, I kick off my shoes and walk bare feet. But that’s not a big deal. Nobody else is at the office at that time, and as for singing loudly, I don’t sing loudly. I might hum a tune at times when I am thinking about something, but that’s all fine. (Kick Quotes)
Roll the weed up Somebody turn the beat up While I continue to spit relax and kick yo feet up Mac game so cold make yo nose runny Mac game so cold takin’ hoes money (Kick Quotes)
I know what it’s like to be famous. It’s good money and it’s great fun. A real kick in the pants. People wave at you and smile at you. You get great tables in restaurants. They send you gifts - beautiful clothes and cars. (Kick Quotes)
Just because I’m not coordinated doesn’t mean I can’t kick your ass (Kick Quotes)
I think you actually get a kick out of being disappointed and under-achieving, because it’s easier, isn’t it? Failure and unhappiness is easier because you can make a joke out of it. (Kick Quotes)
By giving the public a rich and full melody, distinctly arranged and well played, all the time creating new tone colors and patterns, I feel we have a better chance of being successful. I want a kick to my band, but I don’t want the rhythm to hog the spotlight. (Kick Quotes)
I get a kick out of not being ideal. I think it’s awesome. That’s entirely the point. And I think my creator is quite a character for letting that be. (Kick Quotes)
I’m not like Henry Fonda. He lives to act. I’ve just had a dedication to do the best I could. When I don’t have challenges, the days get long. But I do enjoy being on stage. If I do good work, I get a kick out of that. (Kick Quotes)
Once I began doing stand-up, I didn’t get a kick out of the applause or being the centre of attention - but I did get a kick out of the jigsaw puzzle aspect of it, searching for the right bit, adding another few pieces each night until the bigger picture appears. That’s the appeal: the challenge of it. (Kick Quotes)
I think most people believe success in government is how many fewer people are in government, not because you kick them off of benefits like unemployment but they’ve been able to control their own destiny because private sector employers have created more jobs. (Kick Quotes)
On your birthday . . . Have a cuppa, kick off your shoes, sit back and relax ? you deserve it! Best Wishes for a Very Relaxing Birthday. (Kick Quotes)
All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. (Kick Quotes)
My mother gave me a real kick toward cooking, which was that if I wanted to eat, I’d better know how to do it myself. (Kick Quotes)
The older you get, the better you have to look, the higher you have to kick, the harder you have to work. (Kick Quotes)
You can live by biblical principles, and you can teach by those principles and still be a winner. So many coaches think you’ve got to kick your players in the rear end. You’ve got to cuss them out. You’ve got to hit them across the head. No. You don’t have to do that. (Kick Quotes)
The bicycle kick is not easy to do. I scored 1,283 goals, and only two or three were bicycle kicks. (Kick Quotes)
The Clash were the first big love of my life. Lyrically, they inspired me to get out, explore life, and maybe kick some doors down. (Kick Quotes)
You see, I get so much fun out of thinking that I don’t want to destroy this pleasant machine that makes life such a big kick. (Kick Quotes)