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Kickball Quotes

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I don’t know if I’m a good kickball player; I know I’m a good athlete  (Kickball Quotes) We play tag and kickball almost every day. It’s one of the ways that I’ve figured out how to spend some fun quality time with my kids while getting exercise  (Kickball Quotes) I was very good at kickball... I was wonderful at ah doing that kick and your leg goes up and your shoe went on top of the school  (Kickball Quotes) I think the last game console I had was Super Nintendo. I remember once I played the Sega Genesis. But Super Nintendo was my last game device. I played outside more. I liked kickball and baseball.  (Kickball Quotes) You think when gym teachers were younger, they’re thinking, You know, I want to teach...but I don’t want to read. How about kickball for 40 years?  (Kickball Quotes)