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Kicker Quotes

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The world loves a peaceful man, but it gives way to a strenuous kicker  (Kicker Quotes) Hiking up a hill is an ass kicker, going downhill is a little easier  (Kicker Quotes) I’m not a kicker and a screamer  (Kicker Quotes) I tell my students you have an absolute right to write about people you know and love. You do. But the kicker is you have a responsibility to make the characters large enough that you will not have sinned against them  (Kicker Quotes) Everybody knows you’re going to miss some. It’s just the reality and the probability of it. It’s the ultimate paradox for a kicker. You go out expecting to make every kick, but you also know it’s probably not going to happen. So you have these two conflicting thoughts and realities. The really good kickers are the ones who can process that information. That’s what I’m learning to do  (Kicker Quotes) I went to a women’s college.... it was a little like learning to swim while holding on to the side of the pool; I didn’t learn the arm movements until after I graduated, but by that time I was one hell of a kicker  (Kicker Quotes) I went to Brigham Young University on a football scholarship. I wasn’t a football player; I was a place kicker.  (Kicker Quotes)