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Kid Quotes

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Hey kid, do you want to come and talk to Charlie  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid everyone used to call me pork ‘n  (Kid Quotes) As a kid, I always was obsessed with Houdini  (Kid Quotes) Some people still see me as a kid, but I’m a 23-year-old woman now  (Kid Quotes) I’m just this kid from Toronto who got his start  (Kid Quotes) Maybe I was little bit more aggressive than the average kid  (Kid Quotes) I’ve been clawing my way to directing since I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I love comic books. Since I was a kid, I’ve collected them  (Kid Quotes) When you’re a kid all you want to do is be somewhere else  (Kid Quotes) I was this wide-eyed kid wanting to see everything and do everything  (Kid Quotes) I have always been into music ever since I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I still think about the writers I loved when I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I’ve decided to keep working until my last kid is thu college  (Kid Quotes) I used to have all the Goosebumps books as a kid too  (Kid Quotes) I guess you could say, I’m just a typical Methodist kid at heart  (Kid Quotes) Do not nurse a kid who wears braces  (Kid Quotes) That awkward moment when a 10 year old kid says; When I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I really wanted a wonderful, traditional home for my kid  (Kid Quotes) Decided to burn lots of calories today so I set a fat kid on fire  (Kid Quotes) I’m really developing feelings for the kid  (Kid Quotes) That awkward moment when your mood swings more than a kid at recess  (Kid Quotes) I basically was a precocious little kid  (Kid Quotes) I may age, but, my heart and mind will forever be set as a kid  (Kid Quotes) I was a Marvel guy. I started reading comics when I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I was the kind of kid who was always making up stories and adventures  (Kid Quotes) All my favorite movies are American movies since I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I had an attitude problem when I was a kid. I’m not gonna lie.  (Kid Quotes) Ya back home they call me the tie-dye shirt kid, well that and fagot  (Kid Quotes) As a kid I didn’t root for the bad guys  (Kid Quotes) I know how bad bullying can hurt. I was bullied when I was a kid.  (Kid Quotes)
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