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Kid Quotes

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Every western I did and will do; I will do it for the never ending young kid inside of me  (Kid Quotes) I played piano for about two years when I was a kid. I didn’t play long enough to be really great  (Kid Quotes) I have been interested in dreams, really since I was a kid. I have always been fascinated by the idea that your mind, when you are asleep, can create a world in a dream and you are perceiving it as though it really existed  (Kid Quotes) Making movies is eating candy. It’s a very expensive candy, so you value when you can do it. So when you can do it twice at once, it’s like, you know, a kid in a candy store!  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid, I always thought that acting was going to be the way to go  (Kid Quotes) I left school with basically nothing, I was a special needs kid. I did feel as though my school had let me down  (Kid Quotes) If you were a kid actor, if you had any plans of being an actor as an adult, you were really barking up the wrong tree  (Kid Quotes) When I was a little kid, I loved imagining things. I’d go outside and put on a cape and just imagine I was somebody else  (Kid Quotes) Statistics show that many people watch our show from the bedroom. and people you ask into your bedroom have to be more interesting than those you ask into your living room. I kid you not!  (Kid Quotes) I have a really, really, really normal family. And by normal I mean we’re all nuts on some level. I think you’ve gotta be a little nuts to pursue any kind of creative job. I was also a really good kid. I know that sounds really dull, but I didn’t rebel in the traditional sense  (Kid Quotes) I can cook really well. I started cooking as a kid, so I can fend for myself in the kitchen and even do a little gourmet action  (Kid Quotes) I will say that growing up as a kid in an urban environment and having lived in cities all my life, the one achievement that everyone can look forward to is getting the perfect parking spot  (Kid Quotes) I imagine a child. That child is me. I can reconstruct and vividly remember portions of my own childhood. I can see, taste, smell, feel, and hear them. Then what I do is, not write about that kid or about his world, but start to think of a book that would have pleased him  (Kid Quotes) I know, I’m like a kid. Maybe I was a bit too spoilt growing up. Everything just came like I wanted it to  (Kid Quotes) I never was really into comics as a child, and I think if you miss the boat when you’re a kid, you don’t necessarily pick up on it when you’re an adult  (Kid Quotes) I never met anybody who said when they were a kid, I wanna grow up and be a critic  (Kid Quotes) America fell in love with the innocence of a kid who just was honest, saying, I did the best I could, and I had no formal training  (Kid Quotes) I did movie star impressions as a kid in high school. Somehow they just got out of hand  (Kid Quotes) I did research when I was pregnant with my first daughter and was horrified by the chemicals in products, even those meant for babies. I would have to go to 50 different places just to get my house and my kid clean  (Kid Quotes) The time I’m not spending with my kid has to be worth it, so when I sat down with my agents after I was ready to go back to work, I told them: It’s all about the directors  (Kid Quotes) One thing I’ve been doing since I was a little kid and that’s score touchdowns so if somebody needs somebody to get in the red zone and do some work, I could probably still do that pretty well  (Kid Quotes) Kids are always open to anything. It’s very rare that a kid isn’t extremely eager to make you happy  (Kid Quotes) For the majority of the time, I may as well have been just a really tan white kid. You know, I may as well have just been, like, a fat kid  (Kid Quotes) I always felt as a kid that I was underappreciated, invisible or weird, but I’ve always secretly thought people would one day appreciate what is different about me. I’m always putting that message out there  (Kid Quotes) I don’t know that I spent any more time alone than any other kid, but being by myself never bothered me  (Kid Quotes) I was a kid, and I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to play the drums, you know? All I wanted to do was skateboard, but I was still learning and taking it in, so it was good  (Kid Quotes) My mother and my father were teachers. My grandmother and my grandfather were teachers. This is something I really know about. Even when I was a kid, it was a profession my father couldn’t stay in, because he couldn’t make enough money  (Kid Quotes) I’ve always been like that. I was a tomboy when I was a kid, so I was always playing baseball and basketball and football and stuff as a kid with the boys  (Kid Quotes) Actually, I love mythology. When I was a kid I was obsessed with myth and I wanted to be a mythologist when I grew up. Then I realized I really just like stories  (Kid Quotes) Listen kid, take my advice, never hate a song that has sold half a million copies  (Kid Quotes)
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