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Kid Quotes

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Elvis was just like a big old kid. It was like he never got past 19, I don’t think, in a lotta ways  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid, I would watch the grands prix. Everyone dreamt of becoming a race driver, while I only started thinking about it when I was 18 or 19. Only at that age did I seriously start thinking about this job. Before then, I would change ideas from one second to the next  (Kid Quotes) I work too much to be an appropriate parent. I feel like a bad mom to my dog some days because I’m just not here enough. I just feel like I would do a bad job if I took the time to literally give birth to a kid right now and try and juggle everything I’m doing  (Kid Quotes) I’m aware that most people who meet me for the first time think of me in a certain way because of who my father is. That just comes with the territory. But that’s been that way ever since I was a little kid as long as I can remember. I grew up that way  (Kid Quotes) I was still thought of as a kid actor even though I was in my mid twenties  (Kid Quotes) It was the worst period of my life. I had all this gigantic acceptance as a kid, and all of a sudden there was this monumental rejection  (Kid Quotes) I’ve always felt like a kid, and I still feel like a kid, and I’ve never had any problem tapping into my childhood, and my kid side  (Kid Quotes) I’m a little top heavy, so I have to pay attention to that area. I think it was from my years of swimming in school when I was a kid and it just overdeveloped my upper body. In fact, when I started modeling, my back was so developed, I could not fit into any dresses  (Kid Quotes) My family called me a wiggle tail because I was a little skinny, wiry kid full of energy  (Kid Quotes) My background has been very helpful for this experience. But everyone was so accommodating because they knew it’s not the most comfortable position to be the new kid  (Kid Quotes) I’m quite comfortable looking at myself in movies, probably because I’ve been doing it for so long, since I was a kid. So I sort of watched myself grow up and go through adolescence, like, basically on camera  (Kid Quotes) Remember, I’m the kind of kid who used to get stuffed into a locker by school bullies. I’ve never felt like I’m a big star at any level of my life  (Kid Quotes) You know, we travelled a lot when I was a kid because my father was wherever the work was  (Kid Quotes) I love the anxiety, the pressure of the loud room full of yapping kids. But I’m a kid myself  (Kid Quotes) I’d started working when I was 21 and had been very determined about my career, very focused, even as a little kid, so it was something I had been working at for a long time  (Kid Quotes) There have been times I almost got a persecution complex. I felt like people wouldn’t let me grow up. They always saw me as a smiling kid or goofy teenager, no matter how much I’d changed  (Kid Quotes) I thought I had to show people that I would get in early, stay late or even all night, work on holidays. I didn’t want to be the rich kid who was along for a free ride  (Kid Quotes) I’m actually part of a number of minorities. I grew up being a horribly awkward kid. A terrible student. And now I find myself as a filmmaker, and you feel kind of alone in the world because you’re separate from everyone else  (Kid Quotes) I don’t think of myself as offbeat and weird. As a kid, I saw myself as the type of guy who would run into a burning building to save the baby  (Kid Quotes) I was a shy, quiet kid. I was happiest playing by myself with my toys, rather than hanging around people  (Kid Quotes) There are a lot of girls that will try to hook up with you, then try to have your kid because they figure they’re going to get all this money from you  (Kid Quotes) There is always some kid who may be seeing me for the first time. I owe him my best  (Kid Quotes) It’s so easy for a kid to join a gang, to do drugs... we should make it that easy to be involved in football and academics  (Kid Quotes) Teachers didn’t like me very much. They thought I was just this punk kid and they always wanted to kick me out  (Kid Quotes) I heard the various terms of abuse at school and probably indulged them in the way you do as a kid  (Kid Quotes) As a kid, I sensed history going on all around me, but the basic thrust of it didn’t move me  (Kid Quotes) One of the things that comedy has given me over the years is a really good ability to laugh at myself and to not take things that don’t matter too much too seriously. I feel that very little offends me anymore and I’m really grateful for that because I think I was a pretty uptight little kid  (Kid Quotes) I was always a kid trying to make a buck. I borrowed a dollar from my dad, went to the penny candy store, bought a dollar’s worth of candy, set up my booth, and sold candy for five cents apiece. Ate half my inventory, made $2.50, gave my dad back his dollar  (Kid Quotes) You can talk about movies all you want, but I have this porcelain fetish. I’ve had it since I was a kid, because there were so many kids in my family, the only place I had any solace was in the bathroom  (Kid Quotes) Everybody wants to be somebody. The thing you have to do is give them confidence they can. You have to give a kid a dream  (Kid Quotes)
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