Kid Quotes

Text Quotes
My first film goes into production in October. It’s called White Boy Shuffle and it’s based on a novel about a young black kid and it’s sort of reminiscent of Catcher in the Rye. (Kid Quotes)
Catcher in the Rye’ changed my life when I was a kid. I read it as I was a boy turning into a man, and I was so fascinated by the values. I believe in it. (Kid Quotes)
Every kid that goes to Catholic school believes he’s going to be a priest one day (Kid Quotes)
Growing up, I was your classic Catholic Irish kid. I went to mass every Sunday. Then in secondary school I went to boarding school, and there was mass seven days a week before breakfast - it may have put me off! (Kid Quotes)
If I was a parent or a kid, I would need a cell phone, and those things are invaluable, but my kids are out of the house now, and I am thrilled when I wake up to not have a cell phone, and feel like today is stretching out in front of me for 1,000 hours, as it seems. (Kid Quotes)
You see a kid making a film on a cell phone. He doesn’t know what he’s doing either. But it comes out kind of good. (Kid Quotes)
Celtic music is part of the language in Scotland and Ireland, where every kid and grandparent knows those songs, music by the likes of Woody Guthrie and Hank Snow is getting entrenched here. They are part of our cultural language. It’s part of a living treasure. It doesn’t just belong to a museum. (Kid Quotes)
If a kid really is retarded and can only come up to a certain level, he will still have more success if what he learns is connected with something important to him. (Kid Quotes)
I’m very happy for the Contreras family. They’re out. Now they’ve got a chance to experience life the way I did as a kid. You know, his kids are going to have a real chance in life now, and the same way that I had it. (Kid Quotes)
I was quite small as a kid and maybe a little afraid physically. When I grew into myself, the realisation changed. That when you hurt yourself, it’s transient; it doesn’t stay forever. (Kid Quotes)
I’ve seen kids turn their lives around. It’s usually a kid who’s outside of the team-sport world, or maybe has a darker personality or doesn’t fit in. Skateboarding ends up being something they latch onto. It sounds hokey, but finding a focus on something - whether it’s skateboard or playing your guitar - can be life changing. (Kid Quotes)
I went to school with a kid who was so smart, the only time he got an answer wrong, they had to go back and change the question. (Kid Quotes)
As a kid books changed how I looked at the world and helped me understand things. Books still deepen me and open my heart. (Kid Quotes)
As far as superhero stories, what’s appealing is of course that aspect of wish fulfillment. I mean, you start out reading them as a kid, and a couple things jump out at you - there are heroes out there, and you wish you could run into a phone booth and change your life, or be like Peter Parker and put on a mask and become a hero. (Kid Quotes)
You should always give 100%. If you do that then no-one can ask any more of you. Someone once said to me when I was a kid: ‘If you’re asked to do ten sprints, by all means do 11 but never do nine because you’re only cheating yourself’. (Kid Quotes)
I was that weird kid that checked out all of the non-fiction paranormal studies books from the library. I’ve always been fascinated by the supernatural, particularly movies and TV shows that manage to blend humor with the horror - ‘Supernatural’, ‘Buffy’, ‘Angel.’ (Kid Quotes)
Moms never get out of the kid business. Last time I checked, motherhood had no expiration date. (Kid Quotes)
I was called T-Bow but the people got it mixed up with T-Bone. My name is Aaron Walker but T-Bone is catchy, people remember it. My auntie gave it to me when I was a kid. Mother’s mother was a Cherokee Indian full blooded. There were sixteen girls and two boys in my mother’s family, all dead but two. (Kid Quotes)
When I was a kid growing up, we had a cherry tree in the backyard, 100 years old. I climbed it, and it gave shade in the summertime and excellent cherries in the late summer. Having cherry blossoms around gives the best springtime vibe ever. (Kid Quotes)
My daughter is a very adventurous eater. I’m not the guy who sits around lamenting that all my kid will eat it is Tater Tots and chicken nuggets. With my kid, it’s more a capricious and whimsical decision-making. (Kid Quotes)
Unlike me, a lot of child actors are very short, which is why they work. So when they’re 15 they can play 11 or when they’re 18 they can play 14. They look young for so long, they have abilities a much younger kid wouldn’t have. (Kid Quotes)
What a childhood I had. My parents sent me to a child psychiatrist. The kid didn’t help me at all. (Kid Quotes)
I was the illegitimate child of the legitimate theater. I had no training. I came from downtown rock and roll, and when I came in and auditioned for the Broadway revival of ‘Hair,’ I had no eyebrows - kind of a Bowie-esque glimmer kid. And it was hard representing the flower power era when we were stone cold punks. (Kid Quotes)
I got bullied a lot when I was a kid, and because of that I thought for the most part that I didn’t really have a childhood - I had to grow up so quick and there was no real enjoyment in that for me. (Kid Quotes)
I’ve gone from a kid who was sneaking out of my childhood house and lying to my parents to do shows in a community theatre in Reading, PA, to now having two shows on Broadway opening within two months of each other. That’s sort of crazy, that trajectory. (Kid Quotes)
Honestly, my entire childhood could be summed up with one word: Reader. I was always hunched over a book; in fact, I was the only kid in the world who got paler in the summer, because I’d sneak down into our cool, dank cellar and sit alone with a book for hours. (Kid Quotes)
I was such a sullen, angry, sad kid. I’m sure there are writers who have had happy childhoods, but what are you going to write about? No ghosts, no fear. I’m very happy that I had an unhappy and uncomfortable childhood. (Kid Quotes)
I spent my childhood scrambling round badgers and foxes and playing fantastic country kid games like knocking on people’s doors and running away. God that was a good game. (Kid Quotes)
The key is that your children are aware that you love them a lot, and that you are there when they really, really need you. If a kid was ill, I would simply leave a meeting and go home. (Kid Quotes)
When I wrote ‘Runaways,’ I was a naive kid who thought that all parents were evil. Now that I’m a wise old man with children of my own, I am certain that all parents are evil. (Kid Quotes)