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Kid Quotes

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Kid... Comics will break your heart  (Kid Quotes) It’s the way of the world, kid. Go with the winner  (Kid Quotes) Life is a game, kid! It all depends on how you play!  (Kid Quotes) I was a little bit of a cocky kid  (Kid Quotes) I always look back to awards shows and think about being a kid watching them  (Kid Quotes) I used to sing songs from musicals all the time as a kid  (Kid Quotes) As a kid I was always a bit of a clown, a performer  (Kid Quotes) I was a spiritual kid  (Kid Quotes) I was really into writing short fiction and also photography when I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid, I was afraid of large group of conforming people  (Kid Quotes) I was an entertainer, ever since I was a kid  (Kid Quotes) I’m too much of a big kid  (Kid Quotes) Take this rifle, kid. Gimme that guitar  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid, I was super shy  (Kid Quotes) As a kid, I loved any fantasy  (Kid Quotes) I guess I’m just a normal kid apart from the acting  (Kid Quotes) As a kid, I remember taking apart whatever I could get my hands on  (Kid Quotes) When I was a small kid, I grew up in the newspapers  (Kid Quotes) I always just loved to laugh. I always just loved it as a kid  (Kid Quotes) I love you like a fat kid love cake  (Kid Quotes) I look crazy. I know I do. Been true since I was a kid!  (Kid Quotes) I have always loved fashion since I was a kid and customized my school uniforms  (Kid Quotes) As a kid, I felt really weird  (Kid Quotes) I was not the kid that hung out at the arcade  (Kid Quotes) I was always the serious kid  (Kid Quotes) No matter what happens, I’m going to protect my kid  (Kid Quotes) Well, I was a drama kid  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid, I’d spray paint my hair, cut clothes up  (Kid Quotes) I always had a weight issue since I was a young kid  (Kid Quotes) I was a volleyball player as a kid. I played volleyball all the time  (Kid Quotes)
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