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Kid Quotes

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In my sophomore year, a kid told me that the secret to getting women is to play really, really hard to get. I followed his advice, and I didn’t have so much as a date that year.  (Kid Quotes) I knew about things like Iggy Pop and The Velvet Underground, weirdly, before I knew about David Bowie. I didn’t know what David Bowie was, when I was a kid. I thought he was like Visage.  (Kid Quotes) Parents often give middle names just so that later, when they’re yelling at the kid, they can drag it out. Henry David Thoreau, you come in here this instant!  (Kid Quotes) Half of the world lives on [about] $2 a day. If there is a hungry kid in the world, we shouldn’t consider ourselves more evolved than homo habilis.  (Kid Quotes) I’m a fat kid on the inside. I love food so much, and I fluctuate about 25 to 30 pounds between movies. I feel like I have to do a chess movie that requires very little movement at some point, just so I can eat pizza and play chess on the beach all day.  (Kid Quotes) Music has always been a dominant force in my life. As a young kid, it was a way for me to escape everyday life.  (Kid Quotes) As a kid in Fayetteville, N.C., I played golf all day, every day, a lot of it by myself. I spent hundreds of hours around the greens at Cape Fear Valley, the course my dad owned, hitting every shot I could think of - the one-hop-and-release, the chip that lands dead, the explosion from a bad lie.  (Kid Quotes) I moved to Hollywood when I was 22. I was married. I had a kid right away. And I had worked as a furniture mover amongst various other jobs, and I’d work eight, ten hours a day to support my family - and I’d come home and write for two hours a night or two and a half, or three hours a night.  (Kid Quotes) I found my grandmother dead. It shook me up. I got up to make her breakfast, and I knew it was strange that she wasn’t stirring. I went in to wake her, and she was laying in rigor mortis, and I’m done. I called next door, and the kid picked up the phone, and I was so wild, he dropped it.  (Kid Quotes) I don’t want to deal with problems, and so you want to make sure that you don’t give yourself problems by not doing your homework and maybe trying to take a kid that’s got great ability but isn’t going to get it done in the classroom.  (Kid Quotes) As a kid, all I thought about was death. But you can’t tell your parents that.  (Kid Quotes) Then, Holden, the little Fang gang kid, came out of nowhere with an apparent death wish. He raced directly toward the maniac with the gun shrieking something that sounded like I am Starfishhh!  (Kid Quotes) If there is a less likely sight on this earth than Clint Dempsey, the Texas trailer-park kid, doing downward-facing dog poses, or the stalwart Michael Bradley deep breathing through a tree pose, I have yet to see it.  (Kid Quotes) My parents always instilled in me this feeling of wanting to be a normal person. I never moved out to L.A. as a kid and got into that scene and that whole thing that happens to kid actors that’s the reason they go off the deep end.  (Kid Quotes) Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been a real deep thinker and stuff  (Kid Quotes) I’ve always been a deep thinker. Since I was a kid I was delving into the very depths of why we existed, often driving my parents crazy with unanswerable questions.  (Kid Quotes) It’s not good to let any kid near a container that has a skull and crossbones on it, because there might be a skeleton costume inside and the kid could put it on and really scare you.  (Kid Quotes) When I was younger, I was reticent to be vulnerable on camera and everything I was doing was just a really finely honed defense mechanism from when I was a kid, and I was now using this to make a living on camera.  (Kid Quotes) I want to run for the Senate from Tennessee . Not now, but when I’m 50, when music dies down a little bit. I know lots of artists and actors have those delusions of grandeur, but ever since I was a kid, it’s been of interest to me.  (Kid Quotes) However democratic and egalitarian we kid ourselves into thinking society might be, I think that sense of entitlement operates as basically and viciously as it always did.  (Kid Quotes) The problem with my mind is it sways from side to side. The idea of me fantasizing about becoming an actor quickly led to depression. ‘No, it was never going to happen to me.’ I was a sixteen-year-old kid on the other side of the world from where they made movies. Scottish actors never really got play. There was Sean Connery, and that was it.  (Kid Quotes) I usually describe myself as an engineer; that’s basically what I’ve been doing since I was a kid.  (Kid Quotes) I think mortality makes you live a fuller existence. When I was a kid I was scared of death, and maybe that’s what made me desperate to get the most out of life.  (Kid Quotes) I was a Marvel kid, and I would have to say that Spiderman is my all-time favorite character. As I got older, my tastes developed a little bit more, and I would follow certain writers; like, I really got into Grant Morrison. From the time I was 5, I was into comic books. From the time I learned how to read, it was all about comic books.  (Kid Quotes) Do you remember that kid that had sex with his high school teacher? I was reading online that he died today. He died from hi-fiveing.  (Kid Quotes) Everybody’s different and every person is different and every actor’s different and everybody has different wants and needs, but I’m a kid who loved comic books my whole life.  (Kid Quotes) I’ve always traveled, as a kid my parents moved me around, a different place in Germany every four years. But I got the travel bug when I was a kid, living in different countries.  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid, I would sing in people’s living rooms and for different little family things  (Kid Quotes) When I was a kid I feel lonely, I have not many friends. If you make a movie, then you can work with different kinds of people and make different kinds of friend. That’s very important to me.  (Kid Quotes) I was very young, and I kind of decided I wanted to do comedy. My parents were musicians, so we traveled on a tour bus. You’re in a different town every night; as a kid, you’re trying to make friends fast. You try to be funny.  (Kid Quotes)
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