Kids Quotes

Text Quotes
Every song is like a kid. How can you have that many kids and have a favorite? Which one do I like to hang most with? (Kids Quotes)
I’m not a rock star. Sure I am, to a certain extent because of the situation, but when kids ask me how it feels to be a rock star, I say leave me alone, I’m not a rock star. I’m not in it for the fame, I’m in it because I like to play (Kids Quotes)
I don’t necessarily want kids. A lot of our friends are having children and I don’t know if it’s for me. I haven’t come down hardcore on either side of the argument. I think when people come from a stable family having children becomes a celebration and I’m not sure it would be that way for me (Kids Quotes)
I like kids but I also like the option to close the door. Becoming a parent is a whole other life, and it doesn’t stop (Kids Quotes)
Enrolling your child in a recreational sport sponsored by your neighborhood recreation community centers is a great way to keep kids active (Kids Quotes)
Most kids will not volunteer to eat veggies. At times you must step up to the plate and enforce the rule of authority as a parent (Kids Quotes)
I am very disciplined in my life and very up front. It is the only way I can do it and do it well. I am up every day at 7, and I feed my kids, no matter how long the day was (Kids Quotes)
Many kids turn to selling drugs. It’s not a good career choice, but they see it as a way to get money (Kids Quotes)
I have four kids; three girls and a boy. The oldest girl is 13, and has her own social life now, so there’s a bit of begrudging cooperation there. It’s tough (Kids Quotes)
I’m still working, I’ve got two arms, two legs, two gorgeous kids, a lovely wife. Fifteen years ago, I was homeless. So when you think about it, I’m lucky (Kids Quotes)
I think a lot of the problem is that at 8 o’clock there’s nothing on for kids (Kids Quotes)
I think by the time I was born, my parents had pretty well run the gauntlet with their kids. The novelty had kind of worn off by the time the twelfth child was born. I was lucky to get fed and changed, picked up and taken to school (Kids Quotes)
I should be getting photographs of me with my arm around these people like restaurant owners do, because eventually I am going to have to prove to my kids that once I was an actor! (Kids Quotes)
Local companies don’t have to internalize their costs, and few actually do, but they tend to more often because the owners live there and they have to show their face in town, and their kids play with other kids (Kids Quotes)
This is the other thing: we make the cost of raising kids higher than it has to be just because we feel they need all this stuff, like gadgets, certain schools, and activities that are nice but aren’t really necessary (Kids Quotes)
We did an episode where she goes out to get a job and she gets fired because she’s not good. They hire a babysitter to help out and she finds out she hates the fact that the kids have more fun with the sitter than her (Kids Quotes)
I dyed my hair about 42 different colours, and kids can be pretty judgmental about people who are different. But instead of breaking down and conforming, I stood firm. That is also probably why I was unhappy (Kids Quotes)
Because I work with so many people on the east coast, I get some work done before I get the kids up (Kids Quotes)
Our father died when we were very young, so our mother raised six kids. We saw the world filtered through her eyes, being a minority woman raising six kids (Kids Quotes)
I think it’s great to see how they’ve grown up, not just as actors but as people. They’re still very much the same kids that I met many years ago. They’ve grown up and they are funny and wicked and naughty and bright, and I think as actors their work is just getting better and better. They’ve blossomed (Kids Quotes)
I looked at the rap community like street kids wanting their own brand. But now I look at that period with the rappers in the 90s as a trend of the moment. What it taught me was never to follow a trend, because trends move on (Kids Quotes)
Children are easily influenced, and I always want to do things I can be proud to show my kids someday (Kids Quotes)
I grew up on the tennis court with lots of other kids. There were like 40 kids all afternoon and I was one of the youngest ones, so I always had to chase everybody to keep up (Kids Quotes)
I never had a chance to play with dolls like other kids. I started working when I was six years old (Kids Quotes)
The purpose of my life is being a father to my kids and being a husband to my wife (Kids Quotes)
I advise all the young kids to not overwork. You can’t be out there blowing hard. You have to pace yourself (Kids Quotes)
I go to bed when the kids go to bed because I get up when they get up at 5 (Kids Quotes)
I love working with kids and I want to just be able to do it from my heart and not as a job (Kids Quotes)
All I can say to the kids is if you’ve a problem in fishing or life, if you talk to an older person, you’re gonna end up alright, because nine times out of 10, they’ve been through the same thing (Kids Quotes)
I have two new nephews and a new niece this year, so I have plenty of kids that I can spend time with (Kids Quotes)